Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function


Mind Map on Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function, created by StudyBuddy on 18/12/2013.
Mind Map by StudyBuddy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by StudyBuddy almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
  1. Cells
    1. Surrounded by cell membrane; contain DNA
      1. Prokaryotic
        1. DNA is in cytoplasm
          1. Generally smaller
            1. Unicellular
              1. Includes bacteria
              2. Eukaryotic
                1. DNA is in nucleus
                  1. Generally larger
                    1. Uni/Multi Cellular
                      1. Contain membrane-bound organelles
                        1. Includes animals, plants, fungi, and protists
                        2. Cell Transport
                          1. Cell membrane - regulates what enters and leaves the cell
                            1. Lipid Bilayer
                              1. Flexible, Strong
                                1. Selective permeability - particle can pass through, while others cannot
                                2. Passive Transport - no energy required
                                  1. Diffusion
                                    1. Molecules in a lipid or gas spread out from high to low concentration
                                      1. Small molecules diffuse faster
                                        1. Particles keep moving back and forth after they spread out
                                          1. Equilibrium is reached
                                        2. Facilitated Diffusion
                                          1. Molecules that can't pass the lipid bilayer or diffuse through specific protein channels
                                            1. Osmosis
                                              1. Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
                                                1. Occurs when solute is not able to cross membrane
                                                  1. Water moves through an aquaporin protein channel, from a high to low concentration of water, until solutions are isotonic
                                                    1. Hypertonic - Solution has a lower concentration of water and higher concentration of solute
                                                      1. Hypotonic - Solution has a lower concentration of solute and a higher concentration of water
                                                        1. Isotonic - solutions are of equal concentrations
                                                        2. Osmotic pressure
                                                    2. Active Transport - particles move from low to high concentration; requires energy
                                                      1. Molecular Transport - requires carriers proteins that use energy to move across the membrane
                                                        1. Bulk Transport - Energy is used to move larger clumps
                                                          1. Endocytosis - large particles enter the cell, through infoldings of the membrane
                                                            1. Pinocytosis - liquid substances enter
                                                              1. Phagocytosis - solid substances enter
                                                              2. Exocytosis - large particle leave the cell, as the package fom the Golgi Apparatus fuses w/cell membrane and is secreted
                                                        2. Microscope
                                                          1. On Slide
                                                            1. M
                                                              1. P
                                                            2. In scope
                                                              1. W
                                                                1. d
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                                                            Cell Structure
                                                            Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics
                                                            Chapter 1
                                                            Crystal Waters
                                                            Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
                                                            Eukaryotic Cell Structures Prt. 1
                                                            Eukaryotic Cell Structure Prt.2
                                                            Chapter 12: DNA
                                                            Chapter 1: Studying Life
                                                            Gene Regulation
                                                            Structure of DNA
                                                            Cell Structure