Incomplete records is
the term used where
some aspect of the
accouting system is
When information has been lost due to a disaster, flood or fire,
or the lose of information, ledger or computerised data
when there is inadequate or missing
accounting records, which can concern
purchases, sales, payables and
There area differences between
Ledger accounts, non-current asset
register, the physical on-current assets
oin the business
Inventory records,
inventory total and
the physical
inventory held by
the business
Businesses cash book and the bank
statement given by the bank
Purchase ledger account and the
statement received from suppliers
The timing difference, so when a
good has been ordered by not
received, payments have been sent
but haven't been recorded yet
Information Available to the Accountant
A business will have a cash book which is normally kept as a one entry account, but if it
hasn't been kept you usually reconstruct it by using the bank statements but its a time
consuming job
Places accountant can get information from
Cash book- this is a
basic record for any
single entry
Banking Details- statements, paying in
books, cheque stubs and bank transfers are
included in this
Invoices- invoices which
area both sent (sales) and
received (purchases)
Expenses- from during the year
Lists of account owing suppliers
(payables), and trade receivables from
customers, from the beginning and end of
Assets and Liabilities- non-current and
current assets, long term and current
liabilities, at the beginning and end of
Non-current assets- brought an sold
during the year
Information which may not be available
Capital at the
beginning of the year
Purchases and sales for the year
Cash book
summary for the
Profit or loss
for the year
Drawing for the year
Tools of Accouting
Using the tools of
accounting to
construct the
accounts that are
Accounting tools that maybe required
The use of an opening trial balance,
or statement of assets and liabilities
Construction of Cash
account or bank account
The use of control account
Sales ledger control
Purchase ledger control
VAT control account
Prep of financial statements
Accounting equation
Gross profit mark- up and margin
Opening Capital
This is needed for the
statement of financial
In the situation of incomplete records, the opening
capital maybe known, if not we will use the
accounting equation, assets- liabilities capital
If the bank balance is over
drafted it becomes a liability
Cash Book Summary
Enables us to
find out the
cash and bank
balance at the
year end
In practise the
could be used
to produce a
summary of
bank receipts
and payments
If the bank balance is
over drawn credit it
At the end of the
summary, the credit
balance brought down
is an overdraft
Purchases and Sales
Purchases for the year= payments - trade
payables (at beginning of year) + trade
payables (end of year)
Sales for the year= receipts
- trade receivables
(beginning of year) + trade
receivables (end of year)
Remember to include, returns and discount
received or allowed, irrecoverable debts (sales)
contra transactions (set off between sales ledger
and purchase ledger), goods taken for owners use
Purchases and Sales Summary
For the calculations or control
account, 4 pieces of information is
Opening Balance
Closing Balance
Bank and cash payments,
receipts for the year
Purchase or sales of the year
Providing that any three are known
you can calculate the other
Statement of profit or loss
Expenses for the year
Bank and cash payments - accruals (beginning of year)
+ prepayments + accruals at end of year -
prepayments at end of year
The use of Gross Profit Mark- Up and Margin
It is often necessary to use
accounting ratios, percentage/
fractions in prep for financial
Two main percentages/ fractions
Gross profit mark-up
Gross profit margin
(gross sales margin)
Business establish its selling price by
reference to either the mark up or
margin, the difference between the two
Mark- up, profit percentage or fraction added to
buying or cost price
or fraction
based on the
selling price