

Incomplete, but a mind map of AQA A AS Psychology (1)
Mind Map by chipperson6nrj, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Ellie Hughes
Created by Ellie Hughes over 8 years ago
Copied by chipperson6nrj over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Attachment
    1. Learning theory (Behavioural)
      1. Classical Conditioning
        1. Unconditioned reinforcer
          1. Conditioned response
          2. Association
            1. Pavlov's dogs
            2. Operant conditioning
              1. Drive state
                1. Rewards
              2. Cupboard love
                1. Harlow and Harlow's monkeys
              3. A strong emotional, reciprocal bond between infant and primary caregiver
                1. 4 Criteria
                  1. Orientates around primary caregiver
                    1. Distress upon separation
                      1. Pleasure upon reunion
                        1. Seek proximity, particularly when stressed
                      2. Evolutionary (Bowlby)
                        1. Innate programming
                          1. Imprinting
                            1. Lorenz' goslings
                            2. Infants' temperament
                              1. Caregiver Sensitivity Hypothesis
                              2. Critical period
                                1. 2½ years
                                  1. Sensitive period, adoption
                                2. Continuity hypothesis
                                  1. Monotropy
                                    1. Internal working model
                                  2. Disruptions in Attachment
                                    1. Separation: time apart from primary caregiver with the intent of reunition
                                      1. Deprivation: prolonged separation
                                        1. Privation: no attachment at all
                                          1. Reactive Attachment Disorder
                                            1. "Crazy Beth" - Child of Rage


                                        2. Day Care
                                          1. Strange Situation
                                            1. Ainsworth and Method
                                              1. Cultural Variation
                                                1. Takahashi
                                                  1. Japanese children, extremely distressed and couldn't complete
                                                  2. Kroonenberg and Van Ijzendoorn
                                                    1. Collectivist
                                                      1. China, lowest
                                                      2. Individualistic
                                                        1. UK, highest secure
                                                        2. 8 countries, 32 studies; meta analysis - 70% Secure, 15% IR, 15% IA
                                                      3. Types
                                                        1. Secure
                                                          1. Insecure Avoidant
                                                            1. Insecure Resistant
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