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How is Danforth shown to be superior?
Mind Map on How is Danforth shown to be superior? , created by Chloe Becca on 11/02/2016.
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the crucible
arthur miller
act three
Mind Map by
Chloe Becca
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Chloe Becca
about 9 years ago
Resource summary
How is Danforth shown to be superior?
Hathorne: "Arrest him, excellency!"
Shows Danforth to be in a position of power over Hathorne
Imperative: Danforth isn't completely in control
Giles: 'Your Excellency'
More formal, more respect to Danforth
'Enter Deputy Governor Danforth and, behind him...'
Shows that he is the most important of the characters entering
'Silence falls'
Highly respected, waiting for what he has to say
'Awaits his wrath'
His word is final, suggestive of violence
Danforth:'Now be gone'
Imperative: Danforth takes charge over others
Orders aren't actually followed
Not as in control as he believes
Danforth: [To Herrick] 'Clear this room'
Herrick tries to do so showing Danforth is superior
Danforth: 'This is the highest court of the supreme government of this province, do you know it?'
Rhetorical question: he expects Giles to know what he is talking about without explaining
Highest court: most important source of authority in Salem
Sarcastic tone: See's himself as superior
Danforth: 'What's that?'
Wants to find out what is going on
Good leadership skill, suggests superiority
Danforth: 'I have only good report of your character'
He is told about the happenings of Salem
Respected as a judge of character
Somewhat distant from the town itself
Shows more important than general public of Salem
'Danforth is respectfully silent'
He doesn't have to be silent but does so to show respect
Good leadership qualities suggesting superiority
Adjacency pairs answering Danforth
He expects an answer to his questions
People answer w/out hesitation showing he is in control
Standard English
Avoids idiolects, suggests that he is educated
More intelligent, perhaps, and therefore superior
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