Research and planning


Brandon Hawksley
Mind Map by Brandon Hawksley, updated more than 1 year ago
Brandon Hawksley
Created by Brandon Hawksley about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Research and planning
  1. Blogger
    1. Blogger is used to present my research work
      1. From displaying my work in videos, screenshots and embedding all these technologies in
    2. IMDB
      1. I used IMDB to research trailers and analyse them
        1. Also i used it as way of seeing the casts of films and there budgets and gross
          1. Also it was good for the use for comparing horror films and which were successful and which ones to then analyse
      2. Google
        1. I used google to search for research materials
          1. Also as a way for finding new technologies to display this research
        2. YouTube
          1. YouTube is useful for me to display my work and also finding tutorials to make my work better
            1. I used YouTube also to find music and film trailers to analyse for my research for my film trailer
          2. Prezi
            1. Prezi is a good presentation software that is easy to use
              1. I used this as a alternative to display my research from things like genre research
            2. Slideshare
              1. I used Slideshare as a way to present my research
                1. This was useful as i could do my work using microsoft powerpoint
                  1. Then i could transfer this to Slideshare easily, therefore my work would be more presentable
              2. GoConqr
                1. Is useful in making mind maps, flashcards, and presentations
                  1. I used this throughout the research process in the research of actors and production companies
                2. SurveyMonkey
                  1. I used SurveyMonkey to create interactional surveys
                    1. This was good as it meant i could send the survey to a mass amount of people
                      1. As well as this it gave me the results in terms of tables and charts
                        1. Which is useful in my findings as what people want for the movie trailer
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