South Africa: Spatial Patterns of Political
and Economic Development 1652 - 1948
The Great Trek
Victims of the Trek
The Eastern Frontier
The Migrant Labour System
Discovery of diamonds at Kimberley
1871 - 50,000 people
The Rand
influx of whites - SA & UK; Boers felt
rural lifestyle was being threatened
Jameson Raid
Cecil Rhodes aimed to overthrow Transvaal gov
Anglo Boer War
1910 Act of Union
liberal veiw - Thompson, 1971
Marxist view - Atmore & Marx, 1974
Agriculture After 1910 Union
1913 Native Land Act
'scheduled native areas' = 8.9 million hectares;
7.3% of SA; Africans 67% of pop confined to these
areas unless working for whites outside reserves
or on mines; prohibited purchase of land outside
reserves except in the Cape province
1916 Beaumont Commission
recognition that land was insufficient >> recommendations of