How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?


GCSE History (Germany 1929 - 1947) Mind Map on How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?, created by Emily Gibson on 23/12/2013.
Emily Gibson
Mind Map by Emily Gibson, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Gibson
Created by Emily Gibson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

How did Nazi economic and social policy affect life in Germany?
  1. Unemployment solved
    1. Conscription
      1. Rearment
        1. Public Works
          1. Women bribed out of work - not counted under unemployment figures
            1. Jews sacked - also not counted
            2. 'Work shy' sent to concentration camp
            3. The Four Year Plan
              1. Preparing for war
                1. Produce arms
                  1. Ensure country was self-sufficient
                  2. Strength Trough Joy Movement
                    1. Cheap cruise holidays, travel opportunities, building health clubs, organising coach trips, trips to the theatre, cinema, skiing, sailing Sports
                      1. Purpose - To support the Führer and thank him, to keep everyone happy after abolishing the trade unions
                        1. Dr Robert Ley
                          1. Popular schemes was the Volkswagen
                          2. Treatment of women and young people
                            1. 'KKK'
                              1. Kinder – children
                                1. Küche - kitchen
                                  1. Kriche – church
                                  2. Received a high standard of education
                                    1. Could earn good wages in good jobs
                                      1. Could vote
                                        1. Mother's Cross was awarded to women who had given birth to many children
                                        2. Lebensborn
                                          1. Against the law for healthy mothers to have an abortion
                                          2. Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring
                                            1. Sterilising women who were 'unsuitable' to have children, eg non-Aryan women
                                            2. Education
                                              1. Conditioning
                                                1. Every subject was presented from a Nazi perspective
                                                2. Aim
                                                  1. Separate Jews from other children
                                                    1. Encourage hatred towards the Jews
                                                      1. Prevent Jews from getting an education.
                                                    2. The Hitler Youth
                                                      1. Established in 1925
                                                        1. 1932 - 108,000 memebers
                                                          1. 1936 - Hitler Youth Act passed
                                                            1. Made it hard not to join
                                                            2. 1939 - 8 million
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