Basic neurophysiology


Mind Map on Basic neurophysiology, created by tanitia.dooley on 13/04/2013.
Mind Map by tanitia.dooley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by tanitia.dooley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Basic neurophysiology
  1. types of neurones
    1. unipolar sensory neurons-one long axon which connects receptors to the spinal cord or brain
      1. multipolar inter- and motorneurons-have many dendrites and one axon
        1. bipolar neurons- one dendrites and one axon
        2. resting potential
          1. neurons process info in the form of electrical signals (Ap's). Proteins act as ion channels & ion pumps in plasma men & move ions across men
            1. inside the cell, [K+] high, balanced by a high conc of -vely charged proteins & other anions (A-).In ECF (outside the cell) [Na+] high,balanced by Cl-
              1. cell mems of neurone have high selective permeability for K+- diffuses out of cell, impermeable anions left behind creating a electrical potential.
                1. Inside of cell now has net negative charge, electrical force starts to pull K+ back in.
                  1. When certain potential difference reached, electrical force pulling K+ in exactly counterbalances conc grad=equilibrium
                    1. the electrical potential diff that exactly balances an ionic conc grad is called EQUILIBRIUM POTENTIAL (measured using microelectrode technique)
                      1. can calc equilibrium constant using nerst equation: v=(RT/zF)ln (CR/Ci). For K+, [K+]out=5mM & [K+]in=150mM. EK+=61.5 x log10 (5/150)=-91mV
                        1. neurons are also permeable to Na+- large electrochemical gradient for Na+ drives Na+ into the cell. Makes resting mem potential more positive (-70mV)
                          1. Goldman equation
                            1. At -70mV, K+ leaks out neuron, Na+ leaks in. The Na-K pump actively transports ions to compensate for Na+ & K+ leaks using ATP (3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in)
                            2. nonexcitable cells-mem potential depends only on K+.
                          2. electrical & chemical forces combine to become electrochemical gradient causing movement of ion
                2. ACTION POTENTIAL
                  1. in inter- and motor neurone, info flow is directional-incoming signals are intergrated & if signal large enough=AP generated & conducted along axon
                    1. Depolarisation phase
                      1. some voltage gated Na+ channels open=Depolarisation of mem to threshold (-55mV)=open more voltage gated Na+ channels-rapid depolarisation.
                        1. peak depolarisation,Na+ channels inactivated-because of +ve charge inside cell & conc grad-K+ voltage gated channels open-K+ moves out=REPOLARISATION
                          1. resting mem reached but some K+ channels still open, more K+ move out=HYPERPOLARISATION (below -70mV)
                            1. Na/K+ pump restores K+ to 150mV and Na+ to 15mV=RESTORATION PHASE. All voltage gated channels closed
                          2. K+ leak channels always open but effect overcome by Na+
                        2. Na channels
                          1. At resting mem potentials= closed/ as neuron depolarisaed=open/ at fixed time after channel opens=inactivates
                          2. absolute refractory period
                            1. after the neurone has generated an AP it cannot generate another one (From the moment Na+ channels open at threshold until inactivation)
                            2. relative refractory period
                              1. immediately after absolute refractory period, neuron can develop AP but only if it is depolarised to a value MORE POSITIVE than threshold
                              2. Hodgkin-Huxley model of excitability (from experiments with giant squid axons)
                                1. 1.AP caused by inward Na+ & outward K+
                                  1. currents flow through voltage-gated conductance channels which undergo a conformational change upon changes in mem potential-alters their conductance
                                    1. AP is ALL or NONE
                                      1. only INA & IK are needed to produce an AP.All other gated channel currents can indirectly modify INA & IK, altering mem potential & therefore conduct
                                      2. Conduction of APs in Axons
                                        1. myelinated-APs can jump between Nodes of Ranvier-faster propogation (saltatory conduction)=quick response. Unmyelinated-moves slower in current loops
                                          1. Speed much faster when diameter of axon bigger
                                            1. if temp higher=AP moves quicker/if cold can block AP
                                              1. impulses travel along neurons at speed from 1 to 120 m/s
                                                1. fibres
                                                  1. A fibres-large myelinated axons that conduct AP at the speed 15-120m/s
                                                    1. B fibres-medium diameter myelinated axon that conducts Ap at speed of 3-15m/s
                                                      1. C fibres: unmyelinated axons that conduct AP at speed <3m/s
                                                      2. chemicals can affect electrical signals in neurons
                                                        1. Tetrodotoxin-puffer fish/Saxitoxin-from marine organisms that cause red tide/Procaine-local anasthetic=all block VOLTAGE GATED NA+ CHANNELS
                                                          1. local anasthetics block pain by blocking transmission to the brain
                                                          2. Tetraethylammonium chloride TEA-BLOCKS VOLTAGE GATED K+ CHANNELS
                                                            1. Quabain-from ripe seeds of African plants-BLOCK SODIUM-POTASSIUM PUMP
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