Habitat: The Plateau
People lived in the
southern interior of BC
and Alberta.
Seasonal Villages: In summer,
people live above ground in small
villages, near hunting ground; in
winter, people settle in larger, more
permanent villages.
Climate: The climate is more
continental type; the
precipitation is generally low.
Geography: The territory of
the Plateau People includes
expanse of forests and many
natural rivers and lakes.
Vegetation: The middle
Columbia area is a steepee
of sagebrush and bunch
grass finged by yellow pine.
The upper Columbia
consisted of wooded areas.
Wildlife: Includes deer, elk,
bear and caribou.
Politics and Law
Leaders: Each village has one or
more chiefs. They
are often inherited.
Classes: Plateau society
was communal and
generally free of classes
Enemies: The
cause of was is
usually food. For
example: the
sometimes raided
Stl'atl'imx areas
for slaves or
Roles of Leaders: The main chief is usually inherited, while
other chiefs have different roles such as hunting and
warfare due to their personal abilities and knowledge.
Weapons: In war, people
usually use spears, bows and
arrows, knives and clubs.
Allies: They work together and
travel together in the spring-fall,
then joined with other groups to
reside in large villages