Functionalist perspective on family


A Levels Sociology (Family and Households) Mind Map on Functionalist perspective on family, created by dottydiva96 on 29/12/2013.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Functionalist perspective on family
  1. Murdoch
    1. Four functions of the family
      1. Stable satisfaction of the sex drive
        1. Reproduction of the next generation
          1. Socialisation of the young
            1. Economic provision for members
            2. Criticisms
              1. Argue that other institutions could meet these needs
                1. Feminists: see the family as serving men and oppressing women
                  1. Marxists: meets the needs of capitalism, not members or wider society
                2. Society based on a value consensus
                  1. Consists of sub-systems that depend on each other
                    1. Body analogy
                  2. Parsons 'functional fit' theory
                    1. Identifies two different types of family structure
                      1. Nuclear family
                        1. 'Structurally isolated' from extended kin
                        2. Extended family
                        3. Family structure willchange to 'fit' society
                          1. Two basic types of society
                            1. Pre-industrial society
                              1. Extended family best suited
                              2. Modern industrial society
                                1. Nuclear family best suited
                                  1. Has two essential needs
                                    1. A geographically mobile workforce
                                      1. Requires people to move to where their job is
                                        1. Easier in the nuclear family
                                        2. A socially mobile workforce
                                          1. Status no longer ascribed as birth - people can achieve based on how hard they work
                                            1. Easier in nuclear family as there will not be tension between the two males of the household
                                      2. Criticisms
                                        1. Y&W argue pre-industrial family was nuclear, not extended
                                          1. Laslett's study of households in 1821 supported this
                                            1. Late child bearing and short life expectancy
                                            2. Exchange theory - breaking off/maintaining family ties because of the benefits/costs involved
                                              1. Y&W: nuclear family no longer dominant
                                            3. Loss of functions
                                              1. Parsons says that family lost many of it's functions to other institutions
                                                1. Modern nuclear family performs two essential functions
                                                  1. Primary socialisation of children
                                                    1. Stabilisation of adult personalities
                                                      1. Family is a place to release tensions to enable them to return to the workplace refreshed
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