
PMP TALLER PMP Mind Map on SAB9#50_51_PLANNING SCHEDULE_PLAN SCHEDULE_MGMNT, created by Pedro Torres Vega on 20/02/2016.
Pedro Torres Vega
Mind Map by Pedro Torres Vega, updated more than 1 year ago
Pedro Torres Vega
Created by Pedro Torres Vega almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Project Management Plan
    1. Scope Baseline
    2. Project Charter
      1. High-Level Milestones
      2. EEF´s
        1. Culture, PMIS
        2. OPA´s
          1. Templates, Learned Lessons
          2. Plan Schedule Management
              1. Includes: Scheduling Methodology and Scheduling SW to be used. Rules for how estimates should be stated. Establishment of a Schedule Baseline.Identification of the performance meausures. Determination of acceptable variance. How Schedule variances will be identified and managed. Identification of Schedule Change Control Procedures. Reporting Formats to be used.
              2. Define the processes to plan & control the schedule
              3. Define Activities
                1. List of all of the Activities that will need to be completed. It is the basis for the Network Diagram
                2. Sequence Activities
                  1. Figure out which activities need to come before others and put them in the right order.
                    1. Project Schedule Network Diagram
                    2. Estimate Activity Resources
                      1. Who and what are needed to get the project done.
                      2. Estimate Activity Durations
                        1. Time it will take to do each activity.
                        2. Develop Schedule
                          1. Build a Schedule from all of the estimates and the resource and activity information. It Predicts the Project End Date.
                          2. Control Schedule
                            1. Monitor and Control Changes to the Schedule to make sure that is kept up to date.
                            2. Tools: Expert Judgment, Analytical Techniques, Meetings.
                              1. How you will plan, manage and control the Project Schedule. Must be REALISTIC.
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