This is for my GCSE exams, it covers why computers use binary, the fetch de-execute cycle, input and output devices, logic gates and storage devices. Hope you enjoy, if you do please leave a positive comment on how I can improve these mindmaps and what you liked about them. Good luck for all of your exams and I hope this helps.
a couple of mistakes in here. Magnetic is non-volatile. The only volatile storage is RAM and that's not the same kind of storage as magnetic, USB, optical etc. Also for why computers use binary, most exam boards will be looking for an answer along the lines of "because they have wires that can carry charge or no charge, this is represented by 1 (charge) or 0 (no charge). These can then be used in logic gates which act as switches to carry out operations like addition or comparison". tough to fit into a mind map but i thought the extra clarification might help.