Cuban Missile Crisis


Leaving Certificate History (12. International Relations in the 20th Century) Mind Map on Cuban Missile Crisis, created by cian.buckley on 14/04/2013.
Mind Map by cian.buckley, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cian.buckley over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cuban Missile Crisis
  1. Background
    1. Arms Race


      • Superpowers trying to build bigger and more deadly weapons (atom bomb, US-1945, Soviets-1949). Also huge rockets (inter-continental ballistic missiles) which could carry bombs for miles
      1. Historians think the fear of the damage could have stopped the fighting
      2. Khrushchev and Kennedy


        • After Stalin died in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev replaced him. He wanted to reduce tension between US and Russia (peaceful co-existence). In 1961 JFK became president of US (did not get on well)
        1. Outcome
          1. Berlin Wall
            1. Americans put missiles on Soviet Union in Norway and Turkey
          2. Cuba
            1. Background


              • Island off coast of US, had an American backed dictator called General Batista (until 1959). Americans controlled most industries including sugar and tobacco
              1. Bay of Pigs


                • 1961 - an invasion of Cuba by former Cuban patriots. Invasion was backed by the CIA
                1. Cuban Missile Crisis
                  1. 1962


                    • 1962 the USSR constructed missile sites in Cuba (capable of Nuclear attacks on US). Cuba allowed this in response to previous aid
                    1. JFK


                      • JFK demanded their removal but Khrushchev refused
                      1. blocked waters


                        • JFK decided to block Cuban waters (to prevent supplies from Russia)
                        1. Khrushchev backed down
                    2. Outcomes
                      1. Cuban Missile Crisis Outcomes
                        1. Hotline between Moscow and Washington
                          1. reduction of Nuclear weapons
                          2. 1963


                            • Test Ban Treaty - all nuclear testing above ground was banned
                            1. 1968


                              • Non-Proliferation Treaty - non-nuclear powers would not be helped to develop nuclear technology
                              1. 1972


                                • SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks). Talks were held between Presidents Nixon and Brezhenev. The SALT1 treaty was signed, which limited the number of weapons on both sides
                                1. 1979


                                  • SALT2 was signed by Presidents Carter and Brezhenev
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