

Mind Map on Feedback, created by Amber Hemming on 02/01/2014.
Amber Hemming
Mind Map by Amber Hemming, updated more than 1 year ago
Amber Hemming
Created by Amber Hemming over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1
    1. The double page spread image is good and the simplistic colours work really well.
      1. The image to text ratio is really good but maybe make the title bigger to fill the space
        1. Change the colour of the text at the bottom make it bolder, maybe also change the font under the artists name.
        2. 2
          1. If you could make any improvements it would be to change the colour of the font underneath Emma Hird to make it easier to read.
          2. 3
            1. clear design and the font choice is good for the genre
              1. On the cover the key titles stand out eg the red title of the magazine and the headline
                1. contents page is clean and the use of images is relevant to page content, the advertisement makes it look authentic
                  1. design flows to inset page with bold black font and red to clarify key words and there is clear formatting on the article written about Oscar.
                    1. avoid putting words on separate lines in the article eg. face-book
                      1. could have put text over two pages rather than just one
                      2. 4
                        1. you could have a quote from the article on the full double page image that is significant to the content to make it stand out
                          1. I like how your cover isn't overwhelmed with colour it appeals towards your target market
                            1. I like how there is one big focus image on the cover which shows the magazine is going to be in depth about one particular feature
                              1. I like the play on words on the double page spread as it makes the name of the artist stay in the readers mind.
                              2. 5
                                1. overall layout of contents page is clear, the double page and cover images are good.
                                  1. the sell lines towards the left of the cover look too straight, maybe change it so the weren't directly a lined with each other
                                    1. Move the writing underneath the headline on the dps up so there is less of a white gap
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