ESL Approaches & Methods


A mind map of ESL approaches and methods
Mind Map by rwatts, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rwatts almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

ESL Approaches & Methods
  1. Approaches
    1. Grammatical Approach
      1. Behaviorisim
        1. teacher-centered
          1. memorizing language rules and sentence patterns
            1. isolated from meaningful context
              1. outdated; considered historical
                1. application
                  1. Communicative Approach
                    1. Constructivism
                      1. research-and theory-based approach
                        1. emerged in the 1960s
                          1. communication for a purpose
                            1. Connected to ICB and Sheltered Instruction
                              1. application
                                1. Cognitive Approach
                                  1. connected to the CALLA Method
                                    1. cognitive, psychological side of learning
                                      1. Learning as ...
                                        1. knowledge construction
                                          1. knowledge acquistion
                                            1. a response to acquisition
                                            2. discovering, recognizing, conceiving, judging, reasoning, reflecting
                                              1. child-centered
                                                1. application
                                              2. Methods
                                                1. Integrated Content-Based Method
                                                  1. thematic units
                                                    1. content-based
                                                      1. links language development with academic content
                                                        1. emphasis on a safe, supportive classroom environment
                                                          1. multiple groupings, collaborative learning
                                                            1. speaking, listening, writing, reading
                                                                1. communicative approach
                                                                2. visuals and graphic organizers
                                                                3. Sheltered Method of Instruction
                                                                  1. comprehensible, relevant, motivating
                                                                    1. specifically emphasizes language and content objectives
                                                                      1. communicative approach
                                                                      2. visual cues
                                                                        1. illustrations, graphics, realia, etc.
                                                                        2. cooperative llearning
                                                                          1. Types
                                                                            1. SDAIE
                                                                              1. SIOP
                                                                                1. comprehensible input!
                                                                                2. CALLA Method
                                                                                  1. focus on higher order thinking skills
                                                                                    1. cognitive approach
                                                                                    2. strategy instruction, not content instruction
                                                                                      1. self-monitoring, elaboration, inferences, questioning, collaborative larning
                                                                                      2. 5 Phases
                                                                                        1. 1. preparation
                                                                                          1. prior-knowledge activation
                                                                                          2. 2. presentation
                                                                                            1. new material; frequent checks for understanding
                                                                                            2. 3. practice
                                                                                              1. student-centered, hands-on activities
                                                                                              2. 4. evaluation
                                                                                                1. reflection; self-assessment
                                                                                                2. 5. expansion
                                                                                                  1. integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge
                                                                                            3. Herrera, S. & Murry, K. (2016). Mastering ESL/ELL Methods: Differentiated Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically DiverseStudents. Boston, MA: Pearson.
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