Change in China (1949-53)-Part 2


Mind Map by g-jacqmin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by g-jacqmin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Change in China (1949-53)-Part 2
  1. Organisation of people
    1. 1950-51: Mass rallies+ counter-revolutionaries were public 'enemies'--> 1 million executed
      1. 1951: Movement for the study of Mao Zedong's thought
        1. 1951: 'Three Antis Campaign'
          1. Against corruption, waste and 'red tape'
          2. 1952: 'Five Antis Campaign'
            1. Against bribery, tax evasion, fraud, theft of govr. property+spying
            2. Young Pioneers
            3. Economy
              1. All banks, railway networks + 1/3 heavy industry taken from owners+given to state property
                1. People's Bank opened in 1951 -- replaced all private banks
                  1. Got rid of inflation by mid-1950s
                  2. Farmers had to sell 15-20% of grain to govr. at a low price
                    1. People had to pay agricultural tax to stop food shortage
                    2. First Five-Year Plan (1953-57)
                      1. 1953-57: heavy industry- steel,coal,machinery...
                        1. But- light industry (cotton+food) was neglected so slow standard growth
                        2. 700 new production plants in Central China+Manchuria
                          1. Coal: 64->124 million tonnes
                            1. Steel: 1.3-> 5.2 million tonnes
                              1. Pig-iron: 1.9-> 5.8 million tonnes
                                1. Oil: 0.4-> 1.4 million tonnes
                                  1. Dec. 1949: Mao went to Russia+met Stalin
                                    1. Treaty of friendship, alliance and mutual assistance
                                  2. Cooperative Farms
                                    1. Why : Half of 300 million peasants from Agrarian Law could not farm own land as farms too small or not enough equipment/animals
                                      1. 1953: lower-stage cooperatives
                                        1. 30-50 families(1 village) pooled land together to form one big efficient farm. Families still owned land but paid rent for cooperative use
                                        2. 1953: higher-stage cooperatives
                                          1. 200-300 villages (many villages) pooled land together. Had to surrender equipment but paid for labour
                                        3. Hundred Flowers Campaign
                                          1. 1956: Mao said "let a hundred flowers bloom"
                                            1. People could have freedom of speech about govr., city problems...
                                            2. June 1957: Mao cracked down on critics who were arrested + sent to labour camps
                                              1. No more freedom of speech
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