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American West: The Plains Indians
GCSE GCSE History (GCSE American West) Mind Map on American West: The Plains Indians, created by James McConnell on 03/01/2014.
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gcse american west
gcse history
gcse american west
Mind Map by
James McConnell
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
James McConnell
about 11 years ago
Resource summary
American West: The Plains Indians
How the 'Indians' learnt to survive on the plains
Hunted the Buffalo around the plains, moved along with them.
Started using basic weapons, bows and arrows etc.
Used horses when introduced by the Spanish (16th century)
Food from meat
Shelter (tipi) from hide
Tools & Weapons from bones
Clothing from furs
The Plains
Vast Landscape
No landmarks, easy to get lost
Wild Animals
Sparse Landscape
No water or lumber for long distances
Bad Weather
Dry, extremely hot summer
Freezing, unforgiving winter
Arid & Unfarmable
Europeans were traditionally farmers
Everything has a spirit
Only take from nature what you need, always leave enough for tomorrow
The Circle is important
Human beings came from the earth, and would return after death
The Great Spirit gives life to everything
Contact the spirit world through visions
Family Life
Originally from Asia, went to America by a land bridge that no longer exists.
Tipis from Buffalo hide
Had to be able to move quickly
Could be made into a Travois for travelling
Travelled in small groups (10 to 50 families)
Looked after horses
Defended Camp
Hunted Buffalo
Looked after children and the tipi
Collected Water
Made clothing
Taught what they needed to know to be adult Indians
Elderly & Sick
Gave advice, trusted for wisdom
Looked after
Left behind if too ill
The Great Spirit owns the land, so they did not fight to control it
Whites believed they could own the land, and so fought.
Indians decorated their weapons
Whites designed weapons just to kill
Individual men were important
A single US man was not important, there were hundreds of thousands
Against other Indian tribes, battles had strict rules
White men fought to win, they had no rules. They killed women and children.
An individuals skill on a horse was highly respected
Whites depended on military technology such as rifles and cannons.
Took the scalps of their enemies to improve spirit
Whites had no interest in bodies of the enemy.
They found it disgusting, and believed Indians were savages.
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