GCSE Science (Chemistry C3 GCSE) Mind Map on Chemistry - C3 - AQA - GCSE - Alkanes / Alkenes, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids and Esters, created by Josh Anderson on 23/02/2016.
After the first four alkanes (and alkenes) it continues as the shapes do.
Functional group -------->
Double bond
You CANNOT have methene
Composed of hydrogen and carbon
For the naming of alkenes, take the alkane name and replace the 'a' with an 'e'.
For example, ethane -a +e ---> ethene
Functional group -------->
The alcohol takes the form of the alkane without the 'e' and with 'ol'
For example, ethane -e +ol --------> ethanol
Functional <--------group
Uses of alcohol
>Drinking >Disinfecting >Fuelling >Dissolving
Homologous group - A series of molecules with the same functional group.
Carboxylic acids
Functional <--------group
The carboxylic acid takes the form of the alkane without the 'e' and with 'oic acid'
For example, ethane -e +oic acid --------> ethanoic acid
A combination of an alcohol and a carboxylic.
The functional group section of the alcohol and the hydrogen which is on the oxygen from the carboxylic acid detaches to form water. The alcohol then attaches to the oxygen that remains on the carboxylic acid to form an ester.
Ethanol + Ethanoic acid --------> Water + Ethyl Ethanoate
The word takes the same concept as the others. For the alcohol, remove the 'anol' and add 'yl' and for the carboxylic acid, remove the 'ic acid' and add 'ate'.
For example, ethanol -anol +yl and ethanoic acid -ic acid +ate --------> ethyl ethanoate
It is displayed opposite to how it is said. Methyl-ethanoate is shown with the ethanoate then the methyl.