Bowsers Browsers!


a simple guide to browsers
Mind Map by 10clark.jack, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 10clark.jack about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Bowsers Browsers!
  1. What is a browser?
    1. A browser is a piece of software allowing you to go on the line
      1. this software often gives you the option to "bookmark pages allowing you to go back later
      2. An example of a web browser is Microsoft edge
      3. Features of a web browser
        1. Email facilities
          1. Forwarding
            1. Address book
              1. Group contacts
                1. Attach files
                  1. Search for old mail
                  2. Search facilities
                    1. Search allows you to find information and sites on your chosen topic by searching key words
                    2. Bookmarks and favourites
                      1. Instant messaging
                        1. Parental control
                          1. Chat room
                            1. ability to set usernames ands passwords
                            2. Web design software
                              1. word proccessing
                                1. Desktop publishing
                                  1. examples of web design software are Microsoft FrontPage and Adobe Dreamweaver
                                    1. able to create websites using frames
                                      1. Allow multiple webpages to be open in a single browser window
                                      2. Ability to create user forms
                                        1. Helps collect user info
                                        2. Ability to look at the HTML code
                                        3. Features of webistes
                                          1. simple features
                                            1. Ability to add and format text
                                              1. Add tables
                                                1. Able to import data from other packages
                                                  1. Ability to add pages through hyper links
                                                    1. ability to preview the site
                                                    2. Advanced features
                                                      1. allows you to code the website how you want
                                                        1. instead of formatting a section of text at time through CSS
                                                        2. Cascading Style Sheet
                                                          1. allows easier organisation
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