The Great Gatsby links with The Catcher in the Rye


Mind Map on The Great Gatsby links with The Catcher in the Rye, created by stacey.uma on 05/01/2014.
Mind Map by stacey.uma, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by stacey.uma almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Great Gatsby links with The Catcher in the Rye
  1. Theme in TGG: American Dream
    1. Gatsby and Holden both share very strong and unrealistic dreams. They both want to turn back/stop time.
      1. Holden's dream is to be "the Catcher in the Rye" - straight up unnattainable. He wants to make everything unchanging so that he doesn't have to grow up and doesn't want any children to grow up, hense "Catcher in the Rye." This can also be seen when he describes the Museum in Chapter 16, "The best thing about the Museum was that everything stayed right where it was"
        1. Both Holden and Nick live in the present, yet are alive in the past.
          1. This can be seen when Nick re-creates the past, as if it were the present, when he describes on of Gatsby's parties. It is also seen in the last words of the novel. "So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." This is metaphoric language and shows the detriment of trying to recreate the past. "against the current" is about how we try and pursue dreams that aren't realistic and move farther away. This embodies both Gatsby's struggle and the American Dream.
        2. Gatsby's dream is to turn back time with Daisy, the love of his life, and live a wealthy life. The unattainability of this dream is seen when Nick tells Gatsby, "You can't repeat the past" and he poignantly answers, "Why ofcourse you can!"
      2. Theme in TGG: The American Dream - Women
        1. Both Gatsby and Holden have strong feelings about the women that they love and how they are involved in their American Dream. The way in which they execute these is different.
          1. Gatsby makes no qualms about going out and getting what he wants, in order to be with Daisy. He becomes wealthy, just so that he can be with woman who's voice is "full of money". Everything he does is for Daisy.
            1. Holden mentions Jane, his childhood love, throughout the novel but unlike Gatsby, he doesn't actually do anything to get her. He says 3/4 times how he "oughta go down and say hello to her". Shows he is passive and indecisive and that even when he does pick up the phone, in New York, she's not there.
          2. Theme in TGG: Wealth
            1. Whilst in TGG, Gatsby embodies the "phoniness" in order to get what he wants, Holden is against it.
              1. Gatsby is what Holden would describe as phony. He relies on his wealth to get Daisy back, "He wants her to see the house". The fact that he relies so much on his new money and new wealth, comes back to the time of 1920', the "roaring twenties".
                1. Holden is different. He regards all adults as "phony" and what's worst, they can't see their own phoniness. This shows the disillusion Gatsby had with his phoniness. He couldn't see how unobtainable his American dream and how "phony" he was and his idealism, later leads to his death.
                2. Holden is embarrassed of his wealth and isn't like Gatsby, who constantly fights to be accepted by Daisy and old money and this shows how cynical he is towards the American Dream. This can be because of the time he was in, the 1950, post-war era of the atomic age (Hiroshima), showing America's loss on innocence towards humanity, in Holden's view.
                  1. We can also see Holden's embarrassment in his wealth when he talks of a former roommate who regarded him as "Bourgeouis" and he makes a large to the Nuns.
                  2. Holden is also against the class system. This is seen when he talks of "Old Haas" and it's another thing that he regards as phony.
                    1. Tom in TGG is against this view and he uses his wealth of "old money" as a way of putting everyone in their place. His reaction to Gatsby and Daisy's affair is alot to do with Gatsby's class and the fact that he is "nouveau rich"
                  3. Both speak in ways that depict their social standing. They both use "Old..."
                  4. Theme in TGG: Isolation
                    1. The characters in TGG and Holden in TCR, show tendencies of isolation and being outsiders.
                      1. In TGG, whilst all the characters are in the company of eachother, they are isolated internally. Nick, himself, isolates himself from situations entirely, making it easier for us to trust him as an narrator. Moreover, we see his fear of loneliness when he mentions is aproaching 30th birthday.
                        1. At Gatsby's lavish parties, he invites so many people yet he can't even find one of them to socialise with, hense why he wants to leave with Nick. "Let's go to Coney Island old sport"
                          1. This desperation is also seen in Holden, when he tries to do what Gatsby does with his lavish parties and asks the cab driver if he wants to "join" him for "Cocktail. On me, I'm loaded." This is his only attempt to use his wealth in order to have someone to socialise with and shows his quest for companionship, which is seen throughout the book.
                        2. Holden is an outsider and chooses to be this way. This is different to Gatsby who was born an outsider. This can be in the way that he wears the red hunting hat. Holden is choosing to be against society and to grow up because he regard it as "phony". Holden moreover, also is isolated inside and by the fact that the book itself is in first person. Then, we first see him as an outsider by the fact that he's not at the football game
                          1. Whilst Holden doesn't want to have any human contact, hence the red hunting hat, it's bad for him not to. He even talks of how watching a little boy made him feel "not so depressed anymore"
                            1. This could be linked to Nick isolating himself entirely from the TGG, marking himself as simply a narrator in "Great Gatsby's" story. He just sees himself as an observer and watcher of Gatsby's story.
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