Adaptation and survival


Biology AQA GCSE Unit 1 topic
Mind Map by Elliemd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Elliemd over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Adaptation and survival
  1. Competition Factors
    1. Animals
      1. Food, territory and mates
      2. Plants
        1. Light, water, space and nutrients
          1. some small woodland plants flower before tree are in leaf
            1. Ensures they get enough light, water and nutrients
            2. deep roots reach underground water best
              1. Spread seeds over a wide area so they don't compete
                1. some use animals to spread fruits and seeds
                  1. some use the wind or mini-explosions
            3. Adaptations
              1. Animals
                1. Cold climates
                  1. Thick fur and fat under skin = keep warm
                    1. Some are white in winter and brown in summer = camouflage
                      1. Usually large with small SA:V
                      2. Hot dry climates
                        1. Large SA:V
                          1. Hunt at night to conserve energy during day
                        2. Extremophiles
                          1. microorganisms adapted to live in conditions where enzymes won't usually work
                          2. Plants
                            1. In hot dry conditions plants conserve water
                              1. Stomata situated away from heat and wind
                                1. slows rate of transpiration
                                2. waxy and/or small leaves
                                  1. water storage in stems
                                    1. extensive root systems
                                3. Environmental Changes
                                  1. Can be living or non-living factors
                                    1. e.g. change in competitor or average temperature
                                    2. Living organisms can be indicators of pollutions
                                      1. Lichens - particularly sulfur dioxide. More growing in cleaner air
                                        1. Freshwater invertibrates - particularly concentration of dissolved oxygen in water
                                          1. More in cleaner water
                                        2. Non-living indicators
                                          1. e.g. rain gauges, thermometers, pH and oxygen sensors and data loggers
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