

Mind Map on Haematology, created by k l on 08/01/2014.
k l
Mind Map by k l, updated more than 1 year ago
k l
Created by k l almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Main causes of anaemia
    1. Problems with production
      1. Marrow function
        1. aplastic anaemia
        2. diet
          1. Iron deficiency results in smaller RBC
            1. microcytic anaemia
            2. B12/follate deficiency results in larger RBC
              1. macrocytic anaemia
          2. premature destruction
            1. auto-immune or mechanical
              1. Haemolytic Anaemia
              2. RBC structural defects
                1. Hereditary Spherocytosis
                2. disorders of the rate of globin synthesis
                  1. Thalassaemias (a or b)
                  2. mutated haemoglobin (HbS)
                    1. Sickle Cell Anaemia
                  3. blood loss
                    1. Ulcers
                      1. Menstruation
                        1. Trauma
                      2. Symptoms and signs of anaemia
                        1. General
                          1. Shortness of breath
                            1. Weakness
                              1. Lethargy
                                1. Cardiac failure in older patients
                                  1. Pallor of mucous membranes
                                  2. Specific
                                    1. „Spoon nails‟ with iron deficiency
                                      1. Leg ulcers with Sickle cell anaemia
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