Qualification requirements are set out in the Tribunal, Court and Enforcement Act 2007.
Justice of the Supreme Court
They hear appeals (usually civil) involving a point of law.
They sit as an uneven number, usually 5 to 7 (min is 3).
Their decisions become precedent to all courts.
Must be of High Judicial Office for at least 15 years
Lord Justice of Appeal
Their workload is much heavier than SC's, so HC judge(s) often form part of the panel of 3
1 judge deals with applications for leave to appeal (crim)
For civil appeals liability or reward is awarded
usually HC judge, or 7 b/s
High Court Judges
Try first instance cases
Decide law, amount of damages and which side has won
They hear civil appeals from County Court and criminal appeals from Mags Court
QBD Judges also hear crim trials in the Crown Court with a jury if on a point of law
Circuit Judge for 2 yrs or 7 b/s
Circuit Judge
Civil cases: In County Court they sit on their own and decide the law and facts
Criminal cases: In Crown Court the jury decide the fact and they decide the law
They decide the amount of damages/remedy/sentence
existing Recorder, Dist J or Tribunal J or 7 b/s
Recorders: appted for 5 yrs, mainly in Crown Court but also help County too
District Judge (Mags' Court)
Criminal cases - sit on their own and decide fact, law and sentence
maybe family cases but with 2 lay mags
Deputy DJ (who could previsouly been ILEX fellow) or 5 b/s
Judicial qualities include intellectual, personal qualities, efficiency etc.
Before CRA 2005
Lord Chancellor selected the superior judges and considered them
in secret: This was criticised bc of political influence and bias
towards white males
15 in total: 6 lay members, 3 CA/HC judges, 1
circuit and 1 district judges, 1 bar and 1 sol, a
magistrate and a tribunal member
Entirely responsible for assessing merit, recommending and selection
Must consult with Lord Chief Justice and equv. judge before recommending
Selection below SC
Advertised via media and roadshows and events for wider range
1. Candidates fill in the app form and nominate 3~6
referees 2. Publish list of ppl to consult with inlc. judges
3.JAC select them for interview by tests and paper sift -
interview includes role play and discussions
4.Recommended to Lord Chan for appt
Selection of Justices of SC
CRA 2005: When there is a vacancy, Lord
Chan convene a SC Selection Commission
SCSC: include President and Deputy
President of SC, JAC members, JAB for Scot
The Commission decides the
selection process and report
selection to Lord Chan
Lord Chan notifies PM
and PM recommend to
Queen for appt
Lord Chan can reject
and ask to reconsider
with reasons (once
except SC)
1 week course run
by JSB for Recorders
and shadowing for 1
Criticised that this
is very short and no
experience and
practice of tasks
Provide seminars and human
awareness training (make judges more
aware of unintentional discrimination
and the people's perspection
In Europe there is training for judges: Adv is average age
id lower bc in UK Recorders are 30~40 and HC 40~50
Disadv is that it is seen as too closely linked to Govt as
they are civil servants
Attitiudes to training
considerably changed over 20
years: insulting -> fully accepted
Superior Judges
cannot be dismissed by Govt "during good beh"
Set out in SC Act 1981 for HC and CA judges and CRA 2005 for SC
this security of
tenure allows
them to be
independent from
Lord Chan (aft consultation with LCJ) declares
vancant the office of incapable j/ who is
considering resignation -> this can be used to
pressure them to resign e.g. if criticism,s LC
asked to resign
Inferior Judges
Lord Chan can dismiss for
incapacity/misbeh ex. Bruce
Campbell (Circuit J) convicted of
evading customs duty on
cigarettes and whisky
LCJ can suspend if
crim proceedings or
convicted (CRA 2005)
Both have to get consent from each other
Complaints investigated by
Office for Judicial Complaints
and if upheld, LC and LCJ can
advise, warn or remove for
Independence of the Judiciary
Independence from Leg
Full-time Js sit X in Parlt
HL became SC in
2009 to separate
Jud from Leg
Independence form Exec
Superior judges dismissed X by Govt
CRA 2005 s3: Lord Chan
influenceX J's decision
Freedom from pressure
1. Financial Independence: payment from consolidated fund
2. Sirros v Moore: suedX for decisions
3. Security of tenure
Independence from political bias
-_- GCHQ
case: Upheld
Min's right to
withdraw TU
from civil
^o^ DPP v
Ruled Min
exceeded his
powers in
framing byelaw
^o^ R v Sec St of Home
Dept: Upheld that
Home Sec's power -_-
Independence from case
The Pinochet case: one of the Js director of a charity, so retried