Personal Digital Devices


Mind Map on Personal Digital Devices, created by dansheridan98 on 17/01/2014.
Mind Map by dansheridan98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dansheridan98 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Personal Digital Devices
  1. Mobile phones
    1. features and uses
      1. cameras and videorecorders (high resolution)
        1. used to take still photos and videos
        2. Mp3 players/store
          1. e.g.- itunes
            1. allows user access to wide range of music
            2. internet connectivity 3g/4g
              1. large amounts of memory, usually around 16gb
                1. the ability to connect to wi-fi or bluetooth
                2. mobile phones will be used by nearly 5 billion people by 2017, and are used by various age groups, and for many different reasons
                  1. for example business or pleasure
                  2. advantages and disadvantages
                    1. can communicate from nearly everywhere with a connection
                      1. one device can have many functions
                        1. can record events e.g.- news items or crime scenes
                          1. easily tracked
                            1. small key sizes
                              1. harder to use for people with eyesight handicaps
                              2. must be within range of a base station
                                1. risk of health problems such as RSI or even addiction
                                2. As mobile phones have a wide array of functions, they can be compared to all other personal digital devices, although many people prefer a mobile phoen as it allows them to use all of these functions in one device, and this paired with mobiles portability is why some devices, such as cameras, may be seen as obselete or uneeded, as why would someone need a camera if they have one on their phone
                                3. Personal computers
                                  1. features and uses
                                    1. Wi-Fi
                                      1. USB ports
                                        1. webcam
                                          1. allow videoconferencing or vo-IP calls to be amde e.g.- Skype
                                          2. microphone
                                            1. allows sound/speech to be inputted into the device
                                            2. speakers
                                              1. listen to sound e.g.- music, from laptop
                                            3. examples of personal computers include netbooks, laptops and notebooks
                                              1. advantages and disadvantages
                                                1. ultra portable
                                                  1. can be used almost anywhere
                                                    1. make working and communicating on the go easier
                                                      1. small key sizes
                                                        1. can be easily lost or stolen
                                                        2. users
                                                          1. as with mobile phones, users of personal computers are in vast numbers and are wide age groups, as they can be used for many functions which woufd help with different tasks e.g.- revision 12-21 or videoconferencing in the business sector 21+
                                                          2. these can be compared to mobile phones and games consoles, as they can be used for many of the same functions as they are, but it mainly comes down to a users preference, as well as their needs and wants for example an older person or somebody with sight problems may prefer the bigger screen that laptops provide, although others may provide the ability to stay in touch provided by phones, or the gaming capabilities of a gaming computer
                                                          3. cameras and camcorders
                                                            1. the quality of digital still and camera are constantly improving
                                                              1. the more megapixels there are, the better the image quality, but also the more storage space needed
                                                                1. can be used by a wide range of people as they can have many different quality levels
                                                                  1. for example, a cheap camera may be used by a family for their pictures, whereas a hugely expensive, high resolution camera would be used by a professional photographer
                                                                  2. although the quality of a camera or camcorder may be higher, many people now choose mobile phones over these devices as they are lighter, have more functions, and are generally easier to use, as well as combining it with other functions, e.g.- internet connection and social media, although the newest generation of cameras also have this ability (search samsung smart camera)
                                                                    1. nearly all modern camera feature LCD screens that allow users to immediately view images after capturing them
                                                                      1. many camera aslo have the ability to ave memory cards to increase storage
                                                                      2. games consoles
                                                                        1. features & uses
                                                                          1. ability to play games at high graphic level and speed
                                                                            1. internet connection
                                                                              1. allows users to play others online, download games etc.
                                                                                1. allows them to use other online tools such as bbc iplayer and youtube
                                                                                2. motion sensor e.g.- kinect
                                                                                3. include wii, ps4 and xbox one
                                                                                  1. mainly used by teenage boys aged 11-16, although age group is widening
                                                                                    1. compared to: laptops (personal computers) both can play games to a high level e.g. graphics, sound etc. although consoles usuallym have more features catered for users as they are specifically used by gamers
                                                                                      1. there are many health risks associated with using games consoles, such as RSI, addiction, and also there are worries that some people may not nbe able to interact with peers in the 'real world' as they will lack social skills if all they do is play games and communciate online
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                                                                                      Worked Example target E-C
                                                                                      Worked Example A-B
                                                                                      Personal compters 1
                                                                                      Mobile phones 1
                                                                                      Uses of digital devices
                                                                                      Sue Salih
                                                                                      Input and Output devices (Periphirals)
                                                                                      Personal Digital Devices
                                                                                      Games consoles
                                                                                      Sue Salih
                                                                                      Input and output devices
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                                                                                      Satellite navigation
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