1935: 100.000 Jews and other minorities fled
from Germany
1939: Refugees from Czech Republic who were saved
from the german occupation
1939: soldiers from colonies like the Carribean, Africa and Asia come to support
Great Britain in the war by fighting in Greait Britain, Germany or other Europian
India alone provided England with 1.3 Million soldiers
1930: Somali seaman travel towards industrial cities to
work in steel and mining industry
1950s and 60s: Mass Immigration from India, Pakistan and the
Carribean to rebuild the post-war industry
British Nationality Act 1948: invites People from British colonies
to come to Enland to help rebuild the country after the war
After WWII: 130.000 Poles settle in the UK because they
can't return to Poland
After 1926: General Immigration from member states of the
Commonwealth, numbers are not significant