DST Instructor guidelines
and Student Learning Goals
3. Drafting
Rewrite story at least three times
Practice narration
Seek peer feedback
Digital Media Stories are short, ex. 2-3
Drafting process = Clarity= Audience
4. Final Review
Does your story have a clearly recognizable
beginning, middle, problem, character resolves
problem, reintroduce character, end
Playback DST, check for smooth transition and resolve playback
Have you met story guidelines? Time limits? Visual aide limits?
Complete drafting process? Have you created a story for your
audience? Developed relatable and memorable characters?
You are ready to submit your story! THE END
2. Simplicity of Design
Focus on how you are going to tell the
story, add images or visual afterwards
Set limits for visual/audio aides
Story elements- Where or When does story take
1. Design a Story Map
Attention Audience.... introduce interesting & dynamic characters your
audience will remember & relate to
Transition-middle of story- what does character
overcome and how does this change character ,
Example of interesting characters
What is a DST?
Example of narration with only visual aides
A good story tells or narrates the audience...what
does your story tell?