Who was the original leader of the Germans Workers Party?
Anton Dexter
What responsibility was Hitler given in the GWP
Propaganda spokesman
What did Hitler rename the GWP?
National Socialist German Workers Party
When did Hitler become leader?
Key features of the early Nazi Party
The SA ( Sturm Abteilung)
Set up in
1919 ( when
leader !)
also known as Storm Troopers
They would disrupt the meetings
of Hitlers opponents and also
proceed to beat up the opposition
Also known as '
the brownshirts '
Leader of the SA was
Ernst Rohm
He rehersed his speeches and analysed pictures of
himself to see what needed improving.
Persuasive public speaker which was one of the reasons he
gained popularity - people believed and were intrigued in
what he had to say.
He had great faith in the spoken word
Encouraged many people to
join the Nazis
The SA were basically his personal bodyguards
The Swastika
Nazi symbol - it was a well
known symbol , Nazis were
growing popular
Colours on the Flag mean ; Red- socialist
part of the party White - the nationalist
The swastika itself -represents Hitlers
racial viewss
Same 3 colours as the
German flag
25 point programme of the NSDAP
Appealed to everyone in Germany ;
the German workers , traditional
Germans and people who wanted
someone to blame for all of
Germanys problems.
Hitler hated communism and promised to remove
the threat from the German communist party
Anti-seminism or hatred of the Jews
appealed to the Germans who
needed someone to blame for the
defeat of Germany in WW1
Nationilism appealed with the promise to
destroy the Treaty of Versailles - this majorly
appealed to alot of Germans because of how
they felt about the conditions on the Treaty .
Socialism appealed to the
German workers . Nazis
promised to give workers a
share of the companies
profits and to share out the
land which would benefit
Munich Putsch
8th November 1923 , Gustav von Kahr ( leader of
the Bavarian government) was holding a political
meeting in the Beer Hall when Hitler and the SA
burst in. Hitler then proceeded to announce that he
was taking over the government of Bavaria Kahr
managed to escape the Beer Hall and raise an alarm
Why did Hitler carry out the Munich Putsch?
Discontent in Gerrmany
Weimar republic was more unpopular than ever due to hyperinflation
Influence of Mussolini
Italian leader had sucessfully
marched on Rome the previous
year and taken over the Italian
Bavarian Leaders ( Right Wing )
Gustav von Kahr had
been plotting against
the Weimar republic