the multi store model of memory


AS - Level psychology (chapter 2 - memory ) Mind Map on the multi store model of memory, created by Daisy U on 28/03/2016.
Daisy  U
Mind Map by Daisy U, updated more than 1 year ago
Daisy  U
Created by Daisy U over 8 years ago

Resource summary

the multi store model of memory
  1. the multi store model MSM
    1. Atkinson & Shiffrin
      1. describes how info flows through the memory system
        1. memory is made up of 3 stores linked by processing
    2. what it's made up of...
      1. sensory register
        1. a stimulus from the environment passes into the sensory register
          1. there is a store for each sense
            1. 2 main
              1. iconic
                1. eyes
                2. echoic
                  1. ears
            2. duration
              1. less than half a second
              2. capacity
                1. high
                  1. millions of cells e.g. in eye
              3. short term memory
                1. limited capacity store - only remember a few things before you forget
                  1. capacity
                    1. 7 + - 2
                    2. coded acoustically
                      1. duration
                        1. 30 seconds
                      2. long term memory
                        1. permanent memory store for rehearsed info
                          1. has to be retrieved back to stm to 'view' it
                          2. capacity
                            1. unlimited
                            2. duration
                              1. many years
                              2. coded semantically
                            3. evaluation
                              1. supporting research
                                1. supports that stm & ltm are qualitatively different
                                  1. Baddeley
                                    1. mix up words that sound similar using stm
                                      1. mix up words with similar meaning using ltm
                                    2. clearly shows coding
                                      1. stm = acoustically
                                        1. ltm = semantic
                                      2. more than one type of stm
                                        1. MSM - one type of stm
                                          1. Shallice & Warrington
                                            1. studied someone with amnesia
                                              1. stm for digits poor when read out loud
                                                1. but better when saying in head
                                                  1. so one store for visual and one for sound
                                        2. more than one type of rehearsal
                                          1. MSM says amount of rehearsal you do is what counts
                                            1. however Craik & Watkins
                                              1. 2 types of rehearsal
                                                1. maintenance rehearsal (described by MSM)
                                                  1. rehearses but doesn't move to ltm
                                                  2. elaborative rehearsal
                                                    1. link info to existing knowledge or it has a deep meaning
                                          2. evaluation +
                                            1. artificial material
                                              1. lots of research to support MSM are from things that have no meaning
                                                1. how does it work in everyday
                                              2. more than one type of ltm
                                                1. one to store facts and another to do practical things like ride a bike
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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