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Transport of CO2


How CO2 is transported in humans by blood.
Thomas Marshall
Mind Map by Thomas Marshall, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Marshall
Created by Thomas Marshall almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Transport of CO2
  1. This comes from a respiring body cell
    1. 5% is dissolved in the blood plasma
      1. 10-20% is carried bound to haemoglobin called carbaminohaemoglobin
        1. 75-85% is as bicarbonate in cells and plasma.
          1. CO2+H2O
            1. Carbonic anhydrase enzyme
              1. Carbonic acid
                  1. HCO3- and H+
                      1. H+ ions transported by Hb as haemoglobinic acid. This, therefore, shows Hb as a blood buffer
                        1. HCO3- the reacts with NA +
                          1. Forms NaCO3
                            1. Na comes from the NaCl in the blood
                              1. Cl- then diffuses into the cells to compensate for the loss of bicarbonate ions. This is called chloride shift.
                          2. Reversible reaction
                        2. Reversible reaction
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