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Raw materials and products in a plant


Mind map showing the raw materials required for photosynthesis and the products of photosynthesis.
Fatima K
Mind Map by Fatima K, updated more than 1 year ago
Fatima K
Created by Fatima K almost 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

Raw materials and products in a plant
  1. Protein
    1. for growth and repair
      1. Minerals
        1. Nitrate ions
          1. Magnesium ions
        2. Oils
          1. storage in seeds
          2. Cellulose
            1. for cell walls
            2. Starch
              1. storage in seeds, leaves and roots
                1. Stores the energy from photosynthesis (glucose) -They do not affect the water concentration inside cells and they do not move away from the storage areas in the plant
              2. Sucrose
                1. stored in fruits
                  1. Converted from glucose for efficient energy transfer - as glucose is highly reactive and immediate reactions may occur whilst transporting
                2. Glucose
                  1. Sugar for respiration
                  2. Photosynthesis
                    1. Water
                      1. Light energy
                        1. Carbon dioxide
                          1. Oxygen
                            1. Chlorophyll
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