

This mind map provides an introduction to resistance. It covers measurement of resistance, resistors, power, calculations in electric circuits, potential divider, resistivity, conduction in different materials and the wheatstone bridge. It is aimed at a leaving certificate student, or someone who has an interest in resistance.
Mind Map by tatemae.honne, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by alex.examtime9373 over 10 years ago
Copied by tatemae.honne over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Resistance
    1. V/I
      1. V = voltage
        1. I = current
        2. Scalar quantity
          1. Ohm
            1. Ohm's law
              1. Potential difference across a conductor is proportional to the current flowing through it
            2. Circuit Devices
              1. Resistor
                1. Converts electrical potential energy to some other form
                  1. e.g. rheostat
                  2. Ohmeter
                    1. Measures resistance
                    2. Potential divider
                      1. e.g. potentiometer
                        1. Can be used as a variable voltage power supply
                        2. Wheatstone bridge
                          1. Measures resistance of an unknown resistor
                            1. R₁/R₂ = R₃/R₄
                              1. e.g. Metre bridge
                                1. R₁/R₂ = l₁/l₂
                            2. Calculations in electric circuits
                              1. Current
                                1. Series circuit
                                  1. Same at every point
                                  2. Parallel circuit
                                    1. Different-sized currents can flow through parallel parts
                                      1. Current before and after parallel parts is the same
                                    2. Resistance
                                      1. Resistors in series
                                        1. R = R₁ + R₂
                                        2. Resistors in parallel
                                          1. 1/R = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂
                                      2. Resistivity (ρ)
                                        1. ρ = RA/l
                                          1. R = resistance
                                            1. A = area
                                              1. l = length
                                              2. Scalar quantity
                                                1. Ohm metre
                                                2. Conduction
                                                  1. Metals
                                                    1. Electrons are charge carriers
                                                      1. Factors affecting resistance
                                                        1. Resistivity
                                                          1. Length
                                                            1. Cross-sectional area
                                                              1. Temperature
                                                            2. Ionic solutions
                                                              1. Ions are charge carriers
                                                                1. Conductivity depends on concentration
                                                                2. Gases
                                                                  1. Charge carriers are ions & electrons
                                                                  2. Vacuum
                                                                    1. Charge carriers are electrons
                                                                      1. Cathode ray tube
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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