"April is the cruellest
month, breeding /
Lilacs out of the dead
land, mixing / Memory
and desire, stirring /
Dull roots with spring
"There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying:
“Stetson! / “You who were with me in the ships at Mylae! /
“That corpse you planted last year in your garden, / “Has
it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? / “Or has the
sudden frost disturbed its bed?"
Unreal City, / Under the brown fog of a winter
dawn,/ A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so
many, / I had not thought death had undone so
“You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; /
“They called me the hyacinth girl.” / —Yet
when we came back, late, from the
Hyacinth garden, / Your arms full, and
your hair wet, I could not / Speak, and
my eyes failed, I was neither / Living nor
dead, and I knew nothing, / Looking into
the heart of light, the silence. / Oed’ und
leer das Meer.
"Shape without form, shade without colour,
/ Paralysed force, gesture without motion"
"In this hollow valley / This broken jaw of our lost
kingdoms / In this last of meeting places / We
grope together / And avoid speech"
myth "is simply a way of controlling, of ordering, of
giving a shape and a significance to the immense
panorama of futility and anarchy which is
contemporary history."
"Instead of narrative method, we may now use the mythical method. It is, I
seriously believe, a step toward making the modern world possible for art,
toward that order and form which Mr. Aldington so earnestly desires."
tradition involves "the historical sense". the historical sense
involves "a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but
of its presence...this historical sense, which is a sense of the
timeless as well as of the temporal and of the timelessness and
of the temporal together, is what makes a writer traditional.
And it is at the same time what makes a writer most acutely
conscious of his place in time, of his contemporaneity."
"what happens when a new work of art is
created is something that happens
simultaneously to all the works of art
which preceded it."
the poet "must be quite aware of the obvious fact that art never improves, but that the material of art is never quite the same"
"the mind of Europe - the mind of his own country"
"the poet must develop or procure the
consciousness of the past...he should continue to
develop this consciousness throughout his career."
"the conception of poetry as a living whole of all
the poetry that has ever been written"
"the more perfect the artist, the more completely separate
in him will be the man who suffers and the mind which
creates; the more perfectly will the mind digest and
transmute the passions which are its material."
"it is not the "greatness," the intensity, of the emotions, the components, but the intensity of the
artistic process, the pressure, so to speak, under which the fusion takes place, that counts."
"the poet has, not a "personality" to express, but a particular medium, which is only a medium and
not a personality, in which impressions and experiences combine in peculiar and unexpected
"There are many people who appreciate the expression
of sincere emotion in verse, and there is a smaller
number of people who can appreciate technical
excellence. But very few know when there is expression
of *significant* emotion, emotion which has its life in the
poem and not in the history of the poet."