Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams


Mind Map on Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams, created by YIN SZE Lim on 31/03/2016.
Mind Map by YIN SZE Lim, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by YIN SZE Lim almost 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Motivating and Satisfying Employees and Teams
  1. Historical Perspectives on Motivation
    1. Scientific Management
      1. The application of scientific principles to management of work and workers
      2. Taylor’s Piece-Rate System
        1. Workers who exceeded their quota were rewarded by being paid at a higher rate per piece for all the pieces they produced
        2. The Hawthorne Studies
          1. To determine the effects of the work environment on employee productivity
          2. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
            1. A sequence of human needs in the order of their importance
            2. Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory
              1. Satisfaction and dissatisfaction are separate and distinct dimensions
              2. Douglas McGregor
                1. Sets of assumptions about managerial attitudes and beliefs regarding worker behavior
                2. Theory X
                  1. Theory Y
                    1. Theory Z
                      1. Reinforcement Theory
                        1. Behavior that is rewarded is likely to be repeated, whereas behavior that is punished is less likely to recur
                      2. Contemporary Views on Motivation
                        1. Expectancy Theory (Victor Vroom)
                          1. Motivation depends on how much we want something and on how likely we think we are to get it
                          2. Equity Theory
                            1. the distribution of rewards in direct proportion to the contribution of each employee to the organization
                            2. Goal-Setting Theory
                              1. Employees are motivated to achieve goals they and their managers establish together
                            3. Key Motivation Techniques
                              1. Companies are trying to motivate employees by satisfying less tangible needs.
                                1. Management by Objectives
                                  1. Job enrichment
                                    1. Job enlargement
                                      1. Job redesign
                                        1. Behavior modification
                                          1. Steps in behavior modification
                                            1. Flextime
                                              1. Part-time work
                                                1. Job sharing
                                                  1. Telecommuting
                                                    1. Employee empowerment
                                                      1. Employee ownership
                                                      2. Teams and Teamwork
                                                        1. Two or more workers operating as a coordinated unit to accomplish a specific task or goal
                                                          1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Managed Teams
                                                            1. Roles within a team
                                                              1. Roles within a team
                                                                1. Team conflict and how to resolve it
                                                                  1. Benefits and limitations of teams
                                                                    1. Stages of Team Development
                                                                    2. What Is Motivation?
                                                                      1. The individual internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior; the personal “force” that causes us to behave in a particular way
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