an opportunity for people to say
sorry to God and receive
absolution for their sins
it offers people a chance to start
again on the pathway to God
Sin and
a sin is a deliberate choice of action that goes
against what God wants for us. A thought or
action which is wrong, we know is wrong and
we freely choose
can cause guilt and sorrow
it is a barrier preventing people from being
close to God
it is turning away from the ways
of Jesus
not living by God's laws
can endanger our relationship with God, someone
would be in serious need of forgiveness and
salvation. Committed deliberately with full
not grave, not committed with full
knowledge and not entirely
deliberate. A mistake
Jesus forgave and told stories
about forgiveness
the healing of a paralysed man 'my son, your sins are forgiven'
(forgives his sin before the physical cure)
the women caught in adultery
Jesus' crucifixion 'forgive them father,
they don't know what they're doing'
Jesus forgave those who persecuted him and
Christians must try to be forgiving like him
The Unmerciful Servant
the servant owes a huge debt to the king, but
is led off. He immediately demands an
insignificant sun from a fellow servant, but
does not relent when this servant cannot pay.
The king hears about this and puts the first
servant in jail to be punished
God's divine mercy and
forgiveness should not be abused
by failing to show mercy and
forgiveness to others
to be able to receive forgiveness
one must have a heart that
forgives others
christians must try to be Godlike
in their forgiveness of others
The forgiving
the father in the story represents God; he will forgive us when we turn to
not only does God forgive us, but like the father with his son, he
forgives unconditionally and enthusiastically
the father gets up, runs out to greet
his son and want to have a party to
celebrate his return
the story is an important reflection on the process of
reconciliation, reflected too in the sacrament of
Crime and
Crime is not obeying the law established by
Cause of crime
drug addiction
emotional state - e.g lack pf control, peer
pressure, boredom and protest
types of punishment
fines (a
electronic tagging
What is the catholic teaching
live a life based on love of neighbour and
love of God, not pursuing one's own
selfish interests
not take or covet what is not yours 'do not
'do not bear false witness' (be honest in your dealings - do not
When might christians challenge the law?
Jesus turning over the moneychangers' tables at the temple
inspires christians to take things in their own hands
St Thoms Aquinas thought that a law that encouraged
immoral activity should not be followed
A christians' duty to bring about a just world means they
have to act against injustice
might feel a moral dilemma e.g is it justified ton steal
food if you're starving
Prejudice and
reflects inequality: not seeing a
person as equal to you
fear: for being nervous
or uncomfortable with
ignorance: a lack of
knowledge and
understanding about
those who are
Christians believe it is morally wrong because
we are all God's children and therefore
each person should be treated with
prejudice and discrimination
takes away the common
humanity that connects us all;
it allows terrible abuse of
people to occur
Jesus said the 'Golden Rule' in Matthew
7:12 - 'treat others as you wish to be
treated' and 'love your neighbour'
all human beings are created in God’s image
Jesus treated all people equally and fairly,
irrespective of who they were
everyone is special to God
Parable of the Good Samaritan
loving God and loving neighbour is at the centre of
what it means to be a Christian and inherit eternal
life. Thoughtlessly through ritual laws is not enough
being Christians
demands actions not
just belief
Christians have a duty to offer help to the
disadvantaged - those who are rejected and
ignored in society
after reading this a Christian may
become more involved in
organisations dedicated to
supporting members of society who
are disadvantaged or discriminated
this parable teaches that help should be given to all people in
need and one should not discriminate in terms of the help that
they give on the grounds of colour, race, class, religion, gender,
physical or mental disabilities
he showed how it is possible to love one’s
the Samaritan in helping the injured Jew shows people an
example of love in action and this is how Jesus wants
people to behave
Christian responses to racism
RC church reached that is it evil and destructive
it contradicts the teaching of
love of neighbour
it denies the belief that all humans
reflect the image of God and have