Sperry Case Study


Sperry case study notes
Amy O'Farrell
Mind Map by Amy O'Farrell, updated more than 1 year ago
Amy O'Farrell
Created by Amy O'Farrell over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sperry Case Study
  1. Background
    1. Language abilities of the left hemisphere were first identified in the 19th century by Broca and Wernicke
      1. They studied patients with brain damage to key areas of the brain and found it led to deficits in language
        1. Broca's area is responsible for speech production
          1. Wernicke's area is responsible for speech comprehension
        2. Key Terms
          1. Lateralisation of Function
            1. One side of the brain has a different role from the other
            2. Corpus Callosum
              1. Fibres that carry information between the two hemisphere
              2. Split brain surgery/Commissurotomy
                1. Surgical operation to sever the corpus callosum
              3. Aim
                1. To study the effects of hemispheric de-connection and the functions of the serperated hemisphered
                2. Research Method
                  1. Quasi Experiment
                    1. IV was if P's had a split-brain or not, this was already occurring and having the surgery had nothing to do with Sperry
                  2. Sample
                    1. 11 Participants who had severe epilepsy and who had previously undergone a commisurotomy
                      1. Small sample- Can't be generalised
                        1. To be able to compare the 'abnormal' brain to a 'normal' brain
                        2. From America
                          1. 2 P's had the surgery some time before the sudy
                            1. 9P's had the surgery recently
                            2. Controls
                              1. Fixation point to look at
                                1. Hands under a screen and out of sight
                                  1. Back projected images to one side of screen for only 1/10th of a second to allow info to only enter one visual field
                                  2. Findings
                                    1. Objects presented in the RVF
                                      1. Info went to the LH
                                        1. They Could:Say what was seen,identify by pointing with their right hand and find it amongst other objects
                                          1. The left hemisphere has it's own memory and language ability
                                          2. Objects presented in the LVF
                                            1. Info went to the RH
                                              1. They could;Draw it, identify by pointing to it and find it by using their left hand
                                                1. They Couldn't: Say what they had seen
                                                  1. The right hemisphere has it's own memory, but does not have language ability
                                                  2. Different visual stimuli were presented simultaneously(Apple to LVF and key to RVF),P was asked to draw with their left hand (out of sight)what they had seen
                                                    1. Apple info went to the RH and Key Info went to the LH
                                                      1. They Could; Draw apple with left hand, say they saw a key
                                                        1. They Couldn't; Say they saw the apple, they couldn't explain why they drew a key when shown what they had drawn
                                                        2. Simple math problems were presented to the LVF
                                                          1. Info went to the RH
                                                            1. They Could; point to the correct answer with their left hand
                                                              1. The RH has basic mathematical ability
                                                              2. A nude pin-up was presented to the LVF
                                                                1. Info went to the RH
                                                                  1. They would giggle and blush
                                                                    1. They Couldn't; explain why they were giggling or acting embarassed
                                                                      1. The RH can experience it's own emotional reactions
                                                                      2. Objects were felt by the right hand only
                                                                        1. Info went to the LH
                                                                          1. They Could; say what it is and find again with their right hand
                                                                            1. The LH has language ability in relation to objects that had been felt
                                                                            2. Objects were felt by the left hand only
                                                                              1. Info went to the RH
                                                                                1. They Could; find it again with their left hand
                                                                                  1. They Couldn't; name the object or identify it by the right hand from amongst other objects
                                                                                    1. The RH has a memory for felt objects, it lacks language ability. The two hemispheres have their own memories that the other hemisphere cannot access
                                                                                  2. Evaluation
                                                                                    1. Ethics
                                                                                      1. All Ethical Guidelines upheld
                                                                                        1. No deception, harm and consent obtained
                                                                                      2. Reliability
                                                                                        1. Internal
                                                                                          1. Standardised procedure with high controls
                                                                                          2. External
                                                                                            1. Too small of a sample to generalise
                                                                                              1. Found general trends and consistency in lateralisation of brain function
                                                                                            2. Validity
                                                                                              1. Internal
                                                                                                1. Subject variables such as the severity of past epilepsy unknown- another reason for the behaviour
                                                                                                2. External
                                                                                                  1. Population
                                                                                                    1. Too small of a specific sample to be generalised to the whole population but it there target population
                                                                                                    2. Ecological (EV)
                                                                                                      1. Not realistic as we compensate with using both eyes,hands and ears
                                                                                                  2. Ethnocentrism
                                                                                                    1. Not Ethnocentric- Investigating a species and a specific behaiour
                                                                                                      1. Ethnocentric- Environment and cultural influences affect how our brain develops
                                                                                                      2. Debates
                                                                                                        1. Psyc as a Science
                                                                                                          1. Controlled lab experiment, that fulfilled the scientific criteria-scientific discipline
                                                                                                            1. Able to be falsifiable, replicable with a new sample(may be hard to obtain sample)
                                                                                                            2. Freewill-Determinism
                                                                                                              1. Determinism-Inability caused by the commissurotomy to not be able to name objects that they touch with their left hands out of sight
                                                                                                              2. Usefulness
                                                                                                                1. Understanding the physiognomy of the brain, revealed importance of corpus callosum-Intrinsically useful
                                                                                                            3. Relates to...
                                                                                                              1. Biological Area
                                                                                                                1. Investigating regions of the brain and lateralisation of brain function shows the importance of the corpus callosum as a communication pathway between the left and right hemisphere
                                                                                                                2. Key Theme-Regions of the Brain
                                                                                                                  1. Sheds light and informs on the function of the corpus callosum and how it is needed as a communication pathway for information
                                                                                                                    1. Shown by the spilt-brain P's who couldn't perform some tasks unlike 'normal' control P's who could due to having an intact corpus callosum
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