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State of the RCC
A-Level History (European Reformation) Mind Map on State of the RCC, created by lottelou96 on 20/04/2013.
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european reformation
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 11 years ago
Resource summary
State of the RCC
Indulgences: the Church sold crucifixes and told people that buying them would help them get through purgatory quicker as it removed sins
Luther worried about the way the Church sold indulgences to raise money
Luther voiced doubts and opinions without debating with Catholic clerics or academies, and the Church believed Luther was a challenge
This led to a schism into 2 rival camps: one supporting Luther, one supporting the Church
Traditional view (Green): places all the emphasis on Luther who did all the work of the Reformation himself
impact of different ideas from the Renaissance - rise of new nationalistic ideas
condition of the Church at the time - many people resented their actions
too simplistic - not only factor of Revolution
Revisionist view (Moeller): too much focus on Luther; other factors such as Renaissance and Humanism helped him develop
People were tired of the way the Church was behaving, the example it was setting, and the obsession with money and power
Weaknesses: unable to provide management to challengers; lay people started to resent the Church and Luther's ideas appealed to them
The members and practices of the Church also helped to promote rapid speed of Luther's ideas
Popes were more concerned with their personal lives and placed more focus on promoting their own family interest
Corruption led to rise in acceptance and following of Luther's ideas; growth in bad opinions and anti-Catholicism among lay people
Corrupt Popes included Pope Alexander VI (immorality in Church); Pope Julius II (military and political leader); Pope Leo X (general terrible morals)
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