The Weimar Republic


Gcse History Mind Map on The Weimar Republic, created by elliemayxx on 29/01/2014.
Mind Map by elliemayxx, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elliemayxx about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Weimar Republic
  1. 1923 the invasion of the Rhur
    1. French troops marched in because Germany couldnt pay the reparations
    2. Hyperinflation
      1. Stresemann
        1. New currency
          1. Challenges and Recovery
            1. Economy
              1. The Dawes plan
                1. Occupying the Rhur
                  1. The Kapp putch
                    1. War Reperations
                2. The Munich Putch
                  1. Hitler marched into a Bar near to the Hopfbrough house in Munich and held everyone captive.
                    1. Three Men asked Ludendorf to phone their wives but they phoned the police.
                  2. Treaty of Versailles
                    1. Signed on the 18th July 1919
                      1. Lost 100,000 men
                        1. No Airforce
                          1. 6 battleships no subs
                            1. Rine land demilitarised
                              1. Alsacelorraine returned to France
                                1. The Saar given to france for 15 years
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