C1.2 Limestone


GCSE Chemistry Mind Map on C1.2 Limestone, created by ELeanor Turner on 18/04/2016.
 ELeanor Turner
Mind Map by ELeanor Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
 ELeanor Turner
Created by ELeanor Turner almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

C1.2 Limestone
  1. Calcium carbonate
    1. Decomposed by heating
      1. Calcium Oxide
        1. Reacts with water
          1. Forms Calcium Hydroxide
            1. Solution of Calcium Hydroxide in water
              1. Limewater
                1. Carbon Dioxide test
                  1. Turns cloudy
              2. Slaked Lime
            2. Quicklime
            3. Carbon Dioxide
              1. Reacts with Calcium Hydroxide
                1. Calcium Carbonate
            4. Carbonates
              1. React with acids
                1. Carbon Dioxide
                  1. Salt
                    1. Water
                2. Limestone
                  1. Heated with clay
                    1. Cement
                      1. Mixed with sand
                        1. Mortar
                    2. Cement, Sand and Aggregate
                      1. Concrete
                    3. Effects
                      1. Quarrying
                        1. Disadvantages
                          1. Eyesore
                            1. Noise pollution
                              1. Destroys habitats
                                1. Transportation- more noise and pollution
                                  1. Tips are eyesores
                                  2. Advantages
                                    1. Creates jobs
                                      1. Landscaping and restoration takes place after
                                    2. Cement Factories
                                      1. Dust
                                        1. Burn Fossil Fuels
                                          1. Pollution
                                      2. Products
                                        1. Advantages
                                          1. Widely available
                                            1. Cheap
                                              1. Hard-wearing
                                                1. Attractive
                                                  1. Doesn't rot
                                                    1. Doesn't corrode
                                                      1. Fire resistant
                                                      2. Disadvantages
                                                        1. Concrete unattractive
                                                          1. Concrete has a low tensile strength
                                                            1. Concrete can crack
                                                            2. Houses and roads
                                                              1. Chemicals in paints and dyes etc
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