How successfully did the Nazis impose
their ideology on German women?
Nazis believed women should concentrate on
childbearing and supporting their husbands
This distinct role for women was seen as important and of equal
value to the role of men
Many of the Nazis' reactionary ideas were
widely held, and many women viewed their
policies positively
Nazi policies towards women were in some
respects contradictory
The Nazis stressed the role of the family, but increasingly they
were prepared to encourage divorce and extra-marital sex to
breed more genetically pure German
The Gov. provided marriage loans and increased welfare
services for mothers
The Nazis initially encouraged and forced women to give up some jobs, but this trend
was reversed during the Second World War
Women's opportunities in universities were initially
restricted, but this policy too was later reversed
The Nazis set up several women's organisations that
involved women outside the family sphere
Women's experience of the Third Reich was complex and varied,
and was not simply a reflection of Nazi ideology