
AS level History (Hackett) (1.3 The beginnings of change) Mind Map on THE BEGINNINGS OF REFORM (pg.29-AQA), created by dolce-n-banana on 31/01/2014.
Mind Map by dolce-n-banana, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dolce-n-banana about 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1512 - Pope Julius II summoned a Lateran Council to try & respond to demands - The opening speaker declared; 'Unless by this council or by some other means we put a limit on our is all over with Christendom'
    1. The need for reform was recognised
      1. Condemned the abuses within the Church (try & reduce the luxiurious lifestyle)
        1. Identified that better education was needed for the clergy
      2. Evidence that there was complaints to reform the Church before 1500 - Church made an effort to try to reform itself
        1. Devotio Moderna is an example of a lay movement
          1. In France/Spain the bishops tried to raise the standards of the priests & clergy
            1. The order, 'Carthusians' maintained a high reputation & never needed reform
              1. Why the Popes responded slow to the pressure of reform:
                1. Turkish threat
                  1. Quality of the Popes
                    1. Obstruction of the cardinals at the papal court
                  2. Election of Pope Adrian VI (1522-3) was a hopeful sign ( but died after 18months)
                    1. No party in Rome to grant favours - no faction to support
                      1. Reputation: Holy & honest
                        1. Genuinely incorruptible
                          1. Frightened cardinals
                        2. Refused to sleep in the luxurious apartments - instead slept on a mattress in a plain room
                          1. First task was to reform the papal curia where 'all evil has come' - the cardinals blocked any chance of this occurring
                          2. Clement VIII (1523-34) - disappointment
                            1. Aristocrat from the Medici family
                              1. Weak, indecisive, afraid of commiting to reform
                                1. 1520s - Battle between Francis I & Emperor Charles V
                                  1. Supported Francis I which turned out bad as, Francis I was defeated & in 1527 Charles V's unpaid troops sacked the city of Rome
                                    1. SACK OF ROME WAS SEEN AS A TURNING POINT IN CATHOLIC REFORM
                                      1. Patrick Collinson; 'the year 1527 had an impact like that of the 11th of September'
                                        1. Seen as a sign that God was displeased with the morals of the city & the pace of reform
                                          1. Church possessions looted, Popes income halved
                                    2. Pope Paul III (1534-40)
                                      1. Member of aristocratic family; Farnese
                                        1. Spent money on art, buildings, mistresses
                                          1. 5 children
                                            1. Made 2 of his grandsons cardinals
                                              1. Gave his son, Pier Luigi a duchy (aka land)
                                              2. Commissioned Michelangelo to paint the 'Last Judgement'
                                                1. Committed himself to reform
                                                  1. Key things occurred during his reign
                                                    1. 1540: The society of the Jesuits
                                                      1. 1542: The Roman Inquistition
                                                        1. 1545: The Council of Trent (First session)
                                                        2. Made leaders of the Catholic reform into cardinals; Contarini, Carafa, Sadoleto, Pole, John Fisher
                                                          1. Supported new orders; Barnabites, Ursulines, Capuchins
                                                            1. Attempted administrative reforms; ordering 80 bishops to return to their diocese
                                                              1. Did not take sides during the Italian wars - tried to build up the papacys international role by promoting peace
                                                                1. General Council (first summon was in 1536)
                                                                  1. Commanded actions to investigate the faults of the Church & to make recommendations - Contarini/Carafa = The Consilium was produced
                                                                2. CONSILIUM DE EMENDANDA ECCLESIA (Advice on the reform of the Church) - 1537
                                                                  1. Hard-hitting, radical document - not afraid to criticise the Pope
                                                                    1. Report began; 'Christs's church, falling indeed & almost collapsed, should be restored by it from ruin'
                                                                      1. Cardinals wanted Pope Paul III to act on the advice given to him whilst the others before him 'collected advice & not acted on it'
                                                                        1. BUT carrying out these reforms would cause mass protest (possibly revolution)
                                                                          1. Sack of Rome & the lost of papal states, reduced income - so couldn't agree to things that decreased income even further
                                                                          2. Rome; prostitutes, rent boys, trinket-seller driven out
                                                                            1. Popes responsible for some abuses (selling Church offices - simony)
                                                                              1. Failing pastoral care, urgent help for the monasteries, low examples set by priests, low quality preaching
                                                                                1. Recommendations:
                                                                                  1. Simony stopped - positions awarded if person is worthy
                                                                                    1. Bishops to stay in their diocese & spend time in reform, pastoral care, educating the priests
                                                                                      1. Holding more than one benefice (pluralism) to end
                                                                                        1. Orders that were not Catholic to be abolished
                                                                                          1. Humanist teachings to stop & censorship on books
                                                                                        2. Refused publication but it was leaked in 1538 (Contarini)
                                                                                          1. Enemies seized it stating they were right all along
                                                                                            1. Luther translated it into German with sarcastic comments on the margins - but he pointed out it did not mention reform in the Catholic Doctrine which he felt was most important
                                                                                          2. No different to the condemnation of the Church in the past
                                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                          THE URSULINES 1535
                                                                                          NEW ORDERS (AQA pg 32)
                                                                                          THE ORATORY OF DIVINE LOVE (AQA pg.33-Brown book pg.75)
                                                                                          THE THEATINES (AQA pg.34)
                                                                                          THE CAPUCHINS 1528
                                                                                          THE SOMASCHI 1532
                                                                                          THE BARNABITES 1533
                                                                                          THE DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTING & NEW LITERACY
                                                                                          THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE LUTHERAN REFORMATION
                                                                                          THE OUTCOME OF THE INDULGENCE CONTROVERSY & LUTHER'S PROTEST
                                                                                          CONSEQUENCES OF THE LUTHERAN REFORMATION 2