Programing language is a coded
language that is used by programers
to write instructions that a computer
can understand.
There are hundrends of
different programing
laguages that can be used.
The most basic is binary
which consists of two
variables, liek switches that
can tell a program what to
do and when to do it.
Programing language is the
language that programers use
to develop software
programs, scripts and other
instruction for a computer to
Programing language can be used to
develop many things such as:: games,
websites, applicatons. softwares,
programs among other that have become
a crutial part of our life today.
Why Python?
In the United states, 69%
of the computer science
departments use pytihon
for their introductory
Python is wasier because it's writting in english,
many comands start with a workd that menas
exacltly what the programer wants to do such
as "print", which alllos a viewr to see what they
programer had done in their work, They may
choose to print whatver part of their program
they want and keep the rest undercover.
Python also shows you the erros that you are
doing insted of just not running the program. This
allows the programer to see what line their error
is and fixed it without having to look all all the
code closly