Causes - Inactive Lifestyle,
Lack of exercise, Poor food
choices, Psychological
problems, Hormonal
imbalance and Unhealthy
eating patterns.
Symptoms & Health Risks -
Diabetes, High Blood
Pressure, Heart Disease,
Arthritis, Infertility, Breathing
Treatment - Balanced,
Low calorie diet and
increasing exercise.
Dietary Guidelines - Establish regular
meal patterns, Choose white fish/poultry,
avoid sugary foods, drink plenty water,
replace rich sauces/gravies with low fat
dressings, East a wide variety of fresh
foods, use low fat products.
Coronary Heart
CHD occurs when cholesterol
become deposited on the walls
of the coronary arteries
narrowing them
Symptoms/ Effects - Angina...restricted blood
supply causes shortness of breath & chest
pain. Heart Attack...A blood clot can develop
in a narrowed artery cutting off oxygen.
Sudden Death
Cholesterol is a soft waxy
substance found in every cell.
Most is synthesised in the liver
and the rest is obtained from
animal foods.....It helps helps
transport fats around the body
in the blood.
CHD Risk Factors - Smoking, obesity,
lack of exercise, excess alcohol, high
stress levels, high blood pressure,
family history, diabetes.
Dietary Guidelines - Reduced
sat. fat intake, include
mono/poly unsaturated fats in
diet, increase fibre, reduce salt,
functional foods.
Causes the bones to
become thin & porous. Loss
of bone mass causes brittle
bones, most common in
post-menopausal women.
Risk Factors - Gender..Females more likely, Age..Risk
increases with age, Heredity..Family history increases
risk, Diet...Lack of calcium and vit D, Lack of exercise.
Reduce Risk - Increase
calcium, Vit D & C, Balance
protein intake, Include fish
oils in the diet, avoid alcohol
and smoking, increase
Symptoms - Fragile, Brittle bones,
loss of height, neck and back pain,
humped back, bone fractures.
Deficiency in the production of
Insulin by the pancreas or the
ineffectivness of the insulin
produced. Glucose cannot be taken
uo by cells from energy
producation. Results in a high
glucose level in the blood damaging
It is a chronic
Type 1 - Insulin Dependent...pancrease fails to
produce insulin. More likely in children/teens.
Controlled by insulin injections & diet.
Type 2 - Non-Insulin Dependent...Body
unable to respond properly to insulin
produced. More common in adults.
Controlled by diet and/or tablets which
control sugar levels.
Treatment - Diabetics are
advised to follow a healthy
eating plan and exercise
regularly to maintain a
healthy weight. Some take
medication or insulin
Complications - Blindness/Visual
Impairment resulting from
damaged blood vessels in the
retina, Kidney failure due to high
blood glucose levels & high blood
pressure, Heart disease &
Dietary Guidelines - Balanced,
Regular meals to avoid hypo (low)
of a hyper (high), follow a low
glycaemic diet (GI), increase fibre,
avoid salt, reduce sugar, reduce
fried/fatty foods.
Bowel Disorders
Constipation, Haemorrhoids,
diverticular diease, cancer and
irritable bowel syndrome.
Reduce Risks - Follow a high fibre
diet, increase exercise, drink
more water.
Benefits of a High Fibre Diet - Adds bulk
giving feeling of fullness, Helps speed up
the movement of food through the
bowels, slows the release of glucose,
helps lower cholesterol.
Coeliac Disease
Chronic Disease caused by a
gluten intolerance. Damages the
gut causing flattening of the
villi. Decreases the surface area
for nutrient absorption.
Treatment/Dietary Guidelines - Exclude all gluten
foods, look for gluten free symbol, base diet on
naturally gluten free foods, include rice and corn in
the diet, a range of gluten free foods are available.
Dental Disease
Dental caries/tooth decay,
periodontal disease.
Caused by plaque. Plaque consists
of a mixture of saliva, food particles
and streptoccal batceria which
forms a coating on the teeth.
Plaque can calcify if allowed to
accumulate along the gum line.
This can cause inflammation of the
Treatment - Reduce intake of sugar
by replace sugar rich foods with
fruit/veg, use artificial sweetners,
drink water instead of fizzy drinks.