Social interaction and validity


A Levels Sociology (Social study) Mind Map on Social interaction and validity, created by dottydiva96 on 02/02/2014.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social interaction and validity
  1. Interviewer bias
    1. Interviewer may ask 'leading' questions, which 'tells' the interviewee how to answer
      1. Can occur when an interviewer identifies too closely with interviewee's
      2. Artificiality
        1. Although unstructured interviews are relaxed, they still occur in an artificial environment
          1. Doubtful whether truthful answers can be obtained
          2. Status and power inequalities
            1. Gender differences in power and status can shape the interview
              1. Ethnic differences can shape the interview
                1. In structured interviews there is more control
                2. Cultural differences
                  1. Misunderstanding meanings given to the same words
                    1. Harder to detect lying
                    2. Socially desirability effect
                      1. Interviewees may give socially desirable answers
                      2. Ethical issues
                        1. Informed consent must be given
                          1. Interviewee's may feel under pressure to answer
                            1. Anonymity given
                            2. Improving validity of interviews
                              1. Follow up interviews to check answers
                                1. Asking Q's quickly, little time to think
                                  1. Ethnically and language-match interviewers and interviewees
                                    1. Pilot study
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