2B & 2C HCP Journey of the Child


HCP 0 -19 Life Journey Group 2b & 2C - 20.04.16
Imtiaz  Hussain
Mind Map by Imtiaz Hussain, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Imtiaz  Hussain
Created by Imtiaz Hussain almost 9 years ago
Imtiaz  Hussain
Copied by Imtiaz Hussain almost 9 years ago
Imtiaz  Hussain
Copied by Imtiaz Hussain almost 9 years ago
Imtiaz  Hussain
Copied by Imtiaz Hussain almost 9 years ago
Imtiaz  Hussain
Copied by Imtiaz Hussain almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

2B & 2C HCP Journey of the Child
  1. 5 yrs
    1. 15 yrs
      1. 19 yrs
        1. 10 yrs
          1. -9 months
            1. FNP
              1. HV
                1. Locala
            2. LIFE JOURNEY
              1. AFC 0-19
                1. Group work receives referrals from Health Visitors for low need –interim need referrals
                  1. Childrens centres – - Some Duplication - Being clear about what is provide by who? - Need info sharing to happen
                    1. SWYAT – CAMHS Waiting list
                      1. Spectrum Resilience Providing 0-19 services Workforce Development Transformation.
                        1. Community Dental
                          1. Sexual Health Services – Locala - Spectrum
                            1. Immunisation and Vaccination Teams
                              1. Every referral from Midwives has ante-natal contact, telephone/clinical Face to face Aunty Pams
                                1. Bradford District Care Trust – - Antenatal Contact champion friend - IAPT 1st response 0-19 - CAMHS
                                  1. Better use of Technology - Electronic referrals - Why can’t people self-refer?
                                    1. Children’s & Community Care Services - Sick Children
                                      1. Group 2 -Collaboration: What does this mean? How do you do it?
                                        1. Risks
                                          1. - Larger organisations better at bid writing and small organisations at a disadvantage
                                            1. - Want to work in partnerships
                                              1. - Risks of small organisation being squeezed out and lose good work.
                                                1. - Loss identity, loss of values – smaller organisations working with big organisations
                                                  1. - Responsibility and accountability to larger organisations
                                                    1. - How physically get together – what’s the Mechanism of lead provider – How will we do it?
                                                      1. - L + Community hubs at very early stages – how plan around when don’t exist?
                                                        1. - Need to share ethos of partnership.
                                                        2. WORKFORCE
                                                          1. L + Community Hub model V. the L
                                                            1. Concern about small organisations squeezed out of several may have a similar remit.
                                                              1. Current provision politically dependent on a school commissioning a curatin thing.
                                                                1. - Culture is a barrier.
                                                                  1. - Tupe arrangements – if needed
                                                                    1. - Training and skills gaps. Need multi-skilled workforce. Be able to work across professional boundaries.
                                                                      1. Link role of lead by donating actually need right ethos to max benefit of different approaches creating a new culture volunteering – integral to model not peripheral add-on.
                                                                      2. INFO SHARING/DATA
                                                                        1. Leads Share point (mental health services).
                                                                          1. Need systems to talk to each other
                                                                            1. Partners given access to S1
                                                                              1. Would be great for all to be on one system – People not being precious about their own.
                                                                              2. PRACTICALITIES
                                                                                1. - Partners mentioned in bed, bid interviews
                                                                                  1. - Partners involved in model design – Bid writing financial planning – Operationalised service
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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