Group work receives referrals
from Health Visitors for low need
–interim need referrals
Childrens centres – - Some Duplication - Being clear about what is
provide by who? - Need info sharing to happen
SWYAT – CAMHS Waiting list
Spectrum Resilience Providing 0-19 services
Workforce Development Transformation.
Sexual Health Services – Locala
- Spectrum
Immunisation and Vaccination Teams
Every referral from Midwives has ante-natal contact,
telephone/clinical Face to face Aunty Pams
Bradford District Care Trust – - Antenatal
Contact champion friend - IAPT 1st
response 0-19 - CAMHS
Better use of Technology
- Electronic referrals - Why can’t
people self-refer?
Children’s & Community Care
Services - Sick Children
Group 2 -Collaboration: What does this
mean? How do you do it?
- Larger organisations better at bid writing and small organisations at a disadvantage
- Want to work in partnerships
- Risks of small organisation being squeezed out and lose good work.
- Loss identity, loss of values – smaller organisations working with big organisations
- Responsibility and accountability to larger organisations
- How physically get together – what’s the Mechanism of lead provider – How will we do it?
- L + Community hubs at very early stages – how plan around when don’t exist?
- Need to share ethos of partnership.
L + Community Hub model V. the L
Concern about small organisations squeezed out of several may
have a similar remit.
Current provision politically dependent on a school
commissioning a curatin thing.
- Culture is a barrier.
- Tupe arrangements – if needed
- Training and skills gaps. Need multi-skilled workforce. Be
able to work across professional boundaries.
Link role of lead by donating actually need right ethos to max benefit of different approaches
creating a new culture volunteering – integral to model not peripheral add-on.
Leads Share point (mental health services).
Need systems to talk to each other
Partners given access to S1
Would be great for all to be on one system – People not being precious about their own.
- Partners mentioned in bed, bid interviews
- Partners involved in model design – Bid writing financial planning – Operationalised