how problems of 1923 were solved


Mind Map on how problems of 1923 were solved, created by katie.h on 05/02/2014.
Mind Map by katie.h, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katie.h almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

how problems of 1923 were solved
  1. stresemann
    1. became chancellor in august in 1923
      1. he ended passive resistance
        1. it was causing bankruptcy and hyperinflation
          1. this took courage and made him unpopular
        2. new currency
          1. stresemann introduced the rentenmark in october 1923
            1. it was temporary
              1. old currency was scrapped
                1. limits the amount to be printed
                  1. in 1924 the reichsmark was introduced
                  2. Dawes plan
                    1. big loans from USA to Germany
                      1. Charles Dawes was a U.S banker
                        1. 800 million gold marks
                          1. over the following 6 years $3 billion
                          2. it changed the reparation payments
                            1. aim- build up german industry so they could pay their own debts
                              1. pay less to begin with £50 m/year and then increased to £150 m/year
                              2. support of army
                                1. a deal was made between the weimar government
                                  1. army were allowed to get rid of the left-wing government in sacony
                                    1. loyal to government
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