
Bachelors Public Health (Environmental Health) Mind Map on FOODBORNE ILLNESS & DISEASE, created by Jenn A on 30/04/2016.
Jenn A
Mind Map by Jenn A, updated more than 1 year ago
Jenn A
Created by Jenn A almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. BACTERIAL diseases account for 2/3 of foodborne illness. Most have some GI Symptoms up to 72 hours, and few have fever.
    1. SALMONELLA has 1,600 serotypes but only 50 of them are common. It is carried in reptiles, such as turtles and iguanas, as well as baby chicks. Salmonella does not multiply if the pH is < 4.
      1. STAPHYLOCCUS AUERUS is very acute and self-limiting, unless you are already immune compromised. It is found on foods not cooked a second time, such as salad bars, from sneezing and coughing on food. It can also cause pimples and boils.
        1. CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGES is also known as the "cafeteria germ". It is a spore forming bacteria.
          1. CLOSTRIDIAM BOTULISM is also a spore forming bacteria that releases a delay neurotoxin. Years ago the culprit for this disease was home canning, such as in Alaska where they preserved seal blubber and whale meat in vats of oil which set up aerobic conditions. This is where the highest rates of botulism are found.
          2. ARIZONA INFECTION is similar to salmonella. It is found in turkeys and maybe reptiles.
            1. E.COLI is related to HUS (hemolytic uremic syndrome) which causes kidney failure. The EPA requires pre-cooked foods to be heated at 155F for 15 seconds.
              1. LISTERA is a major public health concern. It poses a danger to pregnant women because it can cause death to the fetus by septicemia, meningitis, and hemmoraging. It is caused by eating cheese made from raw milk.
                1. BRUCCLEA is also a public health concern, also posing threat to pregnant women through spontaneous abortion. It is also linked to Malta fever in calves, found in raw milk and the aborted tissue or fluid of dead calves. There is a vaccine, which is Russian made.
                  1. CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI is in 90% of poultry in the U.S. It causes bloody diarrhea.
                    1. SHIGELLA causes vibe parahemolyticus, mostly in Japan. It is found in fish and cucumber.
                    2. VIRAL
                      1. HEPATITIS A is person to person spread. It is mostly found in shellfish, but is also found in milk and orange juice. A vaccine is available.
                        1. NOROVIUS is waterborne or person to person spread. It is the largest outbreak of waterborne agents and is found on cruise ships.
                          1. MULTI-VIRUSES can infect foods.
                          2. PARASITIC WORMS
                            1. TRICHNOSIS is caused by the trichina worm. It is found in undercooked/raw pork, bear meat, and rats.
                              1. TAPEWORMS
                                1. FISH tapeworms have a high incidence because of an increase in sushi consumption.
                                  1. PORK
                                    1. Eggs go to the brain (incubation 25-30 yrs) and cause seizures.
                                      1. Larvae produce GI symptoms.
                                      2. BEEF
                                      3. FLUKES are found in Southeast Asia and cause GI symptoms.
                                      4. FUNGI
                                        1. ERGOT POISONING or St. Anthony's Fire is from fungus that grows on grains (rye).
                                          1. AFLATOXINS are fungi that grow on bean and grains and cause liver cancer.
                                            1. YEAST INFECTIONS aka mycotic infections on food.
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