NEW: GCSE History Exam Paper Setup


A simple guide to the setup of the exam papers for GCSE History Modules 1A, 1B, 2B & 2C. Examples are primarily based on The American West, although there are only minor - if any - differences for each of these papers. Please note: This resource does not cover the Unit 3 Source Skills exam papers.
Mind Map by overfieldjos, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
James McConnell
Created by James McConnell over 8 years ago
Copied by overfieldjos over 8 years ago

Resource summary

NEW: GCSE History Exam Paper Setup
  1. Question 1
    1. 4-5 marks
      1. 5 minutes maximum


        • Timings are approximate. There are 75 minutes in total. Ask your teacher if you're unsure! You should have at least 35 minutes for question 5/6.
      2. 1 or 2 Sources
        1. "What can you learn from source A about...?
          1. Use evidence and make developed inferences
          2. Question 2
            1. A developed response question
              1. Why is this important?
                1. What was the situation like before?
                  1. What is the long term impact?
                2. 8 or 9 marks
                  1. 15-20 minutes


                    • Timings are approximate. There are 75 minutes in total. Ask your teacher if you're unsure! You should have at least 35 minutes for question 5/6.
                  2. "Explain the importance of ONE of the following..." e.g. in the cattle industry
                    1. Charles Goodnight
                      1. Joseph McCoy
                    2. Question 3 OR 4
                      1. 12 marks
                        1. 15-20 minutes


                          • Timings are approximate. There are 75 minutes in total. Ask your teacher if you're unsure! You should have at least 35 minutes for question 5/6.
                        2. Typically deals with change over time
                          1. Requires an explanation
                            1. "How did the life and work of cowboys change between 1866 and 1886?"
                            2. Question 5a and 5b OR 6a and 6b
                              1. Part A
                                1. 9 marks
                                  1. 15 minutes


                                    • Timings are approximate. There are 75 minutes in total. Ask your teacher if you're unsure! You should have at least 35 minutes for question 5/6.
                                  2. Description question
                                    1. "Describe the ways the Plains tribes were well adapted to living on the Plains."
                                    2. Part B
                                      1. 16 marks
                                        1. 20 minutes


                                          • Timings are approximate. There are 75 minutes in total. Ask your teacher if you're unsure! You should have at least 35 minutes for question 5/6.
                                        2. Judgement question
                                          1. "The railroads were very important to the survival of Homesteaders, do you agree?"
                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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