Gender-Conflict Theory: Women in the Criminal Justice System


Brainstorming for a paper on Gender Conflict Theory and it's effects on women in the criminal justice system.
Trezel Brown
Mind Map by Trezel Brown, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kpmaclean298 over 8 years ago
Trezel Brown
Copied by Trezel Brown over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Gender-Conflict Theory: Women in the Criminal Justice System
  1. Gender
    1. Sentencing and Offending
      1. women viewed as "need to be protected"
        1. reinforces male-dominated positions
          1. Given more leniency in sentencing; unless low status or minority
            1. Why?
              1. Women were seen as repressed by society or stigmatism of chivalry/paternalism
          2. offenders who victimize women were treated more harshly
          3. Women in work
            1. "reserve labour force": unequal pay for same amount of labour
              1. stereotypical admin duties or caregiving jobs (ie. nurses, secretaries)
                1. women officers face a lack of opportunity for promotions, and usually end up working administrative tasks rather than law enforcement or patrol
                2. Women in prisons
                  1. Prisons ill-equipped to deal with women
                    1. all programming and research is geared to males
                    2. malpractices in women health in prison (e.g. pregnancy)
                  2. Conflict Theory
                    1. definition: questions traditional values and views law as a power to keep specific political groups in power
                      1. Belief that crime is a symptom of social decline
                        1. Capitalism is the root of crime
                        2. Law is designed to keep white males in power and ensure that females are subordinate
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