Everything About ExamTime


Discover the tools, benefits, advantages and uses of ExamTime.
Andrea Leyden
Mind Map by Andrea Leyden, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Alessandra S.
Created by Alessandra S. about 11 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Everything About ExamTime
  1. Tools
    1. Create
      1. Mind Maps


        1. Notes


          1. Flashcards


            1. Quiz


              1. Study Planner
              2. Discover & Share
                1. Study Groups
                  1. Calendar
                    1. Goals
                      1. Study Plan
                      2. Private Messaging
                        1. Sharing
                          1. Search
                        2. Features
                          1. Teachers
                            1. Support for the classroom
                              1. Create & share content
                                1. Platform for individual teachers
                                2. Students
                                  1. Organise content
                                    1. Studying for exams
                                      1. Work in groups
                                      2. Others
                                        1. Presentations
                                          1. Organise content
                                            1. Productivity tool
                                            2. Business
                                              1. Training
                                                1. Meetings
                                                  1. Brainstorming
                                                2. Benefits
                                                  1. Free learning tool
                                                    1. 100% online platform
                                                      1. Multi-platform
                                                        1. iOS (Apple)
                                                          1. Android
                                                          2. Multi-device
                                                            1. Desktop & Laptop
                                                              1. Tablets
                                                                1. Mobile Devices
                                                              2. Advantages
                                                                1. Numerous tools available in the one platform
                                                                  1. Stimulates creativity and collaborative activities
                                                                    1. Influences students to be co-authors of the learning process
                                                                      1. Teachers do not need to be bound by the resources of their institution
                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                      Life in Germany
                                                                      Ben C
                                                                      How to Create A Mindmap
                                                                      New Possibilities with ExamTime's Flashcard Maker
                                                                      Andrea Leyden
                                                                      ExamTime Quick Guide to Getting Started
                                                                      Andrea Leyden
                                                                      NEW: ExamTime's Mind Map Maker
                                                                      Andrea Leyden
                                                                      ExamTime's Getting Started Guide
                                                                      Mapa Mental para Resumir y Conectar Ideas
                                                                      Marko Salazar
                                                                      Treaty of Versailles (1919)
                                                                      Inez Simpson
                                                                      Mapa Mental para Resumir y Conectar Ideas
                                                                      Rosario Sharline Vilcarromero Saenz
                                                                      George- Of mice and men
                                                                      Elinor Jones
                                                                      Mapa Mental para Resumir y Conectar Ideas
                                                                      Ricardo Padilla Alcantara