In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields are the final resting
place of the heroic and virtuous. The street name is both a
literal street in New Orleans and a symbolic resting place.
Williams romanticizes the neighborhood: even though it is
poor, all races and classes are mixed, and the constant
music gives everything a slightly dreamy quality.
Tossing the package of meat symbolically captures Stanley
and Stella’s sexual relationship: he hurls himself physically
at her, and she accepts delightedly. Raw physical lust
forms a vital part of the life-blood of New Orleans, and of
their relationship.
Blanche’s journey is both literal – these are real places
in New Orleans – and allegorical. She has ridden Desire
to the end of the line and has hit rock bottom before
arriving here.
Blanche’s nervousness at Eunice’s questions
indicate that she has something to hide in her
past and that there is more to her seemingly
innocent appearance than meets the eye.
Blanche considers herself to be above her surroundings. Her
concealed drinking shows her desire to escape reality as well
as the fact that she is quite adept at hiding facts about
herself. Blanche is very concerned with keeping her delicate
surface appearance intact.
The loss of Belle Reve, the “beautiful
dream,” represents the loss of Blanche
and Stella’s previous way of life. Rather
than face the consequences of her
actions, Blanche blames Stella for
choosing the lower-class, Polish Stanley
over the DuBois family.
• There is pathos here. Blanche is afraid of growing old and losing her looks
• Treats Stella like a child to go and run her errands
Scene 2
Blanche’s frequent baths symbolize her yearning for emotional
rejuvenation and cleansing. The revealed pregnancy explains Stella’s
weight gain. Stella has not yet told Blanche so as not to surprise
Blanche’s delicate nerves all at once.
Stanley is not concerned with
Blanche’s emotional fragility: he is
only looking out for his own interests.
He immediately distrusts Blanche, as
he senses that she has some power
over Stella, whereas he wants to have
Stella completely.
The fact that Stanley is blinded
by the flashy dresses and fake
gems shows his lower-class
origins: all that glitters seems to
be gold to his animalistic,
avaricious eye.
The red satin robe
suggests sexuality.
Blanche tries to flirt
with Stanley by
emphasizing her
femininity, but
Stanley continues to
assert his aggressive
physical dominance
Though Stella tries to mediate between Blanche and Stanley, the power
struggle is between the two of them. Stanley is suspicious of Blanche and
insistent that she is hiding something from him. Blanche does not want
Stanley to contaminate the love letters from her husband: she does not
want her romantic vision of her past soiled by the present.
The tamale vendor yelling “Red-hot!”
symbolizes the power of the red-blooded
physical world over lost dreams of the past.
Stella bears the promise of new life into the
dying DuBois line.
Scene 3
The artificially lurid, vivid kitchen in
the middle of the night is somewhat
sinister and hell-like. The card-playing
and drinking amplifies the men’s
animal natures. When Mitch worries
about his mother, he goes into the
bathroom, leaving the masculine
When the women enter the
apartment, they walk straight into
the heart of the masculine space.
Stanley asserts his dominance
physically over Stella, and she and
Blanche retreat to the shadowy,
feminine bedroom space.
Mitch under her
terms, that is, in
the half-light of
the bedroom
that hides
reality. She sees
that she can
draw him in
with her
flirtation, and
she views him
as a potential
suitor. Faithful
Stella sets
Stanley above
the rest of the
men in her
Stanley is upset that
Blanche is demonstrating
power in his house: he
wants to dominate the
entire space, but Blanche is
creating her own
gravitational pull.
Blanche's short comings
• Her love of drink
• Her awareness of
social distinctions
• She is from a
than them. Has
a better
• Her actions to
her social
• Vanity and
need for
• Needs
Stan and Stella
• Stella is infatuated with him
• The audience relies
on Stella’s
description of him
which has clearly
been altered. ‘love is
• Stella is described as a ‘gentle young woman’
• She is uses to
Blanche, going
back to their old
• Stanley likes his
dominance over
Blue piano
the blue piano
symbolises this
part of new
• Is uses as a dramatic device
as well but not consistent
• This music is
only for
• Has dramatic
• It recalls the last time
Blanche danced with her
husband, Allen • Just before
his suicide
• Uses the music to alert the
audience to her guilt and to her
• Is not used to create an
atmosphere like ‘blue
piano’ (this does it to
some extent)
Stresses an important part of the plot and
Blanche’s character
• Links to scene six and the
story being told there
Plastic Theater
• A term coined by Williams to describe a
distinctive new style • Setting, sound, music,
visual effects – all staging elements –
combine to reflect and enhance the action,
theme, characters and language
• Playwright gives definitive and highly
descriptive script instead of the
• Metaphors
that draw on
use of art, light
and sound to
symbols and
• To
• Use of props or
staging to impress
upon audience more
abstract ideas.
• Light bulb: The "naked" light bulb
symbolizes truth and reality. The
light bulb also symbolizes an
epiphany. An epiphany is an "a-ha!"
moment, the moment when some
new idea or concept occurs to a
• Paper lantern: The paper lantern
symbolizes something flimsy that is used
to disguise reality, create illusion, and hide
the truth. However the paper lantern
cannot last, it can only temporarily create
a romantic glow and keep the truth in
shadow. The paper lantern is used by
Blanche to disguise her fading beauty and
indecent past
• White clothing: White
symbolizes purity and
• Package of meat: The
package of meat that Stanley
throws at Stella and her
eager catching of the meat is
a symbol of their sexual
relationship. Stanley is the
provider (hunter & gatherer)
and Stella waits happily at
home for his return. The
meat represents Stanley's
almost barbaric manliness
emphasised by his constant
removal of clothing.
• Bathing: Blanche's constant bathing shows
her need to cleanse herself (metaphorically) of
the impurities and disappointments in her
past (the Hotel Flamingo, her own sinful
behaviour with her young husband). The
bathing helps relax Blanches' nerves and
allows her mind to imagine that she is in
better (and more pampered) circumstances.
Bathing also makes Blanche feel young and
girlish, laughing, singing, and splashing in the
tub like a child.
• Polka music: The polka music
that Blanche hears whenever
her young husband is discussed
reminds Blanche of the frenzied
manner in which she lost her
husband. This music haunts
Blanche and is one of the
realities that she desires to
Southern belle
The romanticized
version of the South
glosses over the
harsh realities of
slavery and
emphasizes the
fairytale of the belle.
As the embodiment of strong character
and virtue, the belle’s moral struggles
symbolize the moral battles that the
South felt they faced in fighting the war
against the North, reinforcing the
Southern sense of moral superiority
Old South myth
also functions to
parallel the South’s
believed moral
struggle of the Civil
War with the moral
struggles of the
Southern belle.
• Due to the belle’s
high moral standards,
the belle faced moral
threats daily;
preserving her purity
and social reputation
were constant
• Whatever the motivations, the
Southern belle emerged in the post
war South as the model of purity and
charm, comfortably part of a
romanticized, idealized notion of the
antebellum South.”
Class antagonism
• Stanley’s hostility to Blanche is rooted in
the fact that Blanche is from a higher class
and think she is better than him
by implication his wife as well
• His instinctive reaction is to drag
Blanche down to his level or below so he
can master her and be the dominate
• He uses his sexuality as dominance
blanche tries to do this in the begginning
• The class antagonism is
intensified with Stanley’s
suspicion that Blanche has
cheated Stella and him
• He pulls out Blanche expensive clothes and
jewellery and portrays his ignorance of their
less expensive than he thinks
His growing resentment comes because
Stella mocks something she has never
done before
• Blanche has change the system in their household
• Stanley is a man of the new world
• He has lots of acquaintance
and contacts that deal in
jewellery and clothes
• Knows about the law and what he is entitled too
• He is the new working man who
will replace the old south system